Monday, December 30, 2019

Thomas Edison A Brief Biography of a Genius Essay

Thomas Alva Edison was born on February 11, 1847 in Milan, Ohio. He was named Thomas after his father’s brother and Alva after his father’s friend Captain Alva Bradley. His family called him Al. Al was a handful. He was very curious about a group of large grain elevators; he once fell in and disappeared under the grain. He was pulled out before he suffocated. Al also fell in the Milan creek many times. One time Al was found trying to hatch a handful of chicken and goose eggs on a nest of his own that he made. Al was really curious about a nearby work shop owned by a man named Sam Winchester. The town’s people called Sam the â€Å"Mad Miller of Milan†. Winchester was rejecting his flour milling business to make a passenger balloon which his†¦show more content†¦If Al wasn’t doing experiments he was reading. He would check out books at the Detroit library. While watching the trains at the Mount Clemens station, he saved a three year old boy. He was the son of the lead telegrapher who taught Al his trade. By age eighteen he was a second degree telegrapher, which let him travel to other places. At this time he started calling himself Tom. He often got in trouble and got fired, but he always found a new job. Tom kept on moving and learning. He soon became one of the best telegraphers. He decided to move to Boston, the center of science. He worked at Western Union. He started learning finance and what it would take to back an invention. In 1868 he signed his first patent for a vote counter. At age 22 and with no money Tom moved to New York. He accidently got a job at the Gold Indicator Company. He improved the company so much that Western Union bought them out. Tom got investors so he could start inventing. When he sold his first patent for $25,000 he split his partnership so he could keep all the money. Tom was making more money than he knew what to do with; he had to learn how to bank. Then his mother died so he threw himself into work. He started a factory that went from eighteen to one-hundred and fifty people; that’s where he met Mary, his first wife. They had three kids named Marion, Tom Jr., and Will. Edison could solveShow MoreRelatedAnalysis Of Thomas Alva Edison s Life1475 Words   |  6 PagesThomas Alva Edison was born February 11, 1847, in Milan Ohio. He was the seventh and last child born to Samuel Edison Jr. and Nancy Elliot Edison. He would be one of the four to survive to adulthood[1]. During the Civil War, Edison learned a lot about the emerging technology of telegraphy. He traveled around the country doing lots of work in this field. Edison began to develop serious hearing loss early in life, in which many believed came from a serious case of scarlet fever or some type of blowRead MoreEssay about Achieving Greatness Takes Hard Work861 Words   |  4 Pageskicked off his high school team because he wasn’t good enough to play. After training intensively he became one of the best basketball players. There are many others that have achieved greatness through this practice such as Usher, Sirena Williams, Thomas Edison, and Diane Warren. I believe perfecting your performance by a continuance of practice results in a huge improvement to greatness. We are like play dough. We can mold ourselves into greatness through years of deliberate practice, â€Å"†¦activity that’sRead MoreApple Recommendation Report6561 Words   |  27 Pagesfrom a range of ele ctronic sources and the Steve Jobs biography. The electronic sources include business databases, marketing research databases, and online journals and articles. I have found the business databases to be extremely helpful in performing forecasts and projections for future trends in the consumer electronics industry, whereas the Steve Jobs biography provided extremely useful insight into Apple s marketing strategies. BRIEF HISTORY OF APPLE INC. _EARLY HISTORY_ Steve Jobs andRead MoreThe Studio System Essay14396 Words   |  58 Pageswith facts while nevertheless providing solid entertainment. The actual singing was performed by the great Jolie himself, who had much to with the entire production Jolson’s choice of Parks for the title role was indeed a stroke of genius. â€Å"The Postman Always Rings Twice†, is a personal favorite of mine. Here director Tay Garnett remained as true as the â€Å"system† would allow to the James Cain novel. The protagonist, a drifter named Frank Chambers narrates the story

Sunday, December 22, 2019

The Great War Of The World War I - 2497 Words

A dilemma that was happening for many years can be resolved, but there will be disadvantages and advantages ,no matter what the outcome is. The Great War also called the World War I , started on July 28, 1914 in Europe.The war lasted for four years to end all wars that happened before involving other countries. From beginning to end of the four years, men were not the only ones working hard, so were women. When men went to fight in the war, it led to major grasps in the labor market, so industries and the government reached out to women and asked them to volunteer in specific jobs that were hiring. However the paying jobs did not mention to women that the high wage jobs were temporary.The government used a sneaky tactic on women in order†¦show more content†¦It led men to be involved in riots and protests against women to work in labor market where the government ordered women to go back to their old jobs or back to being unemployed. This problem led women to be involved in protests and women did not have equal rights compared to men ,so they created suffrage movements. Immigrants at the time came to America to find work and some were involved in suffrage movements but it was a disadvantage for women that worked in industries, because it was cheaper to hire an immigrant than a women in the United States. However immigrants were involved in helping throughout the protests and suffrage movements, that was a huge advantage for people to hear about their movements. Women, immigrants and also African American women were involved in the suffrage movements. African American women volunteered to do suffrage movements because they were paid less than a white person,wanted to be recognized and their goal was to have equal rights so they can have the same education as men.â€Å"Night work for women today with their dual capacity as wage-earners and homemakers means burning the candle at both ends with very little sleep, much overwork, fatigue, and the coming of old age unnecessarily soon(U.S Women’s Bureau,1930). Says that women work so hard toward the goal, overdoing it that it makes them not live life longer and

Saturday, December 14, 2019

The 23rd Session of the International Poplar Commission Free Essays

The 23rd Session of the International Poplar Commission The Mechanism of 2n Pollen Formatiom in Populus ? euramericana and P. ? popularis Speaker Jin-feng Zhang (Jennifer) zjf@bjfu. edu. We will write a custom essay sample on The 23rd Session of the International Poplar Commission or any similar topic only for you Order Now cn Beijing Forestry University P. R. China OUTLINE 1 Introduction 2 Materials and Methods 3 Results and Analysis 4 Discussion 1 Introduction 1. 1 Polyploid breeding is an important part in poplar breeding ? ? Triploid white poplar trees Triploid and aneuploid hybrids in Populus trichocarpa ? P. deltoides ? Triploidy were found in the cultivar poplar clones in section Aigeiros Introduction 1. 2 Mechanisms of 2n gamete formation in plant ? ? ? ? ? Premeiotic doubling Omission of the first or second meiotic division Abnormal spindle Abnormal cytokinesis Nuclear fusion FDR ( first division restitution ) : Contains non-sister chromatids SDR ( second division restitution): Contains two sister chromatids 1 Introduction 1. 3 The objective of this study ? Poplar can produce 2n gamete naturally or by artificial induction Elucidation of the cytological mechanisms of 2n gamete formation has been seldom in poplar. To detect and elucidate the mechanisms of 2n pollen formation in diploid poplar Results from this research may offer a more effective method for polyploid breeding in poplar in section Aigeiros. ? ? ? 2 Materials and Methods 2. 1 Plant materials ? Populus ? euramericana Four male : EA1, EA2, EA3 and EA4 One female: A ? P. ? popularis The offspring of (P. simonii ? (P. nigra var pyramidalis + Salix matsudana mixed pollen) ) One Male: P ? The crosses A ? EA1, A ? EA2, A ? EA3, A ? EA4, A? P 2 Materials and Methods 2. 2 Microsporogenesis observation 2. 3 Flow cytometry analyses 2. 4. Chromosome counting 2. 5. SSR analysis 3. Results and Analysis . 1 Cytological determination on 2n pollen formation 10 11 5 6 8 9 Table 1 The expected and observed rate of 2n pollen grains Sporads Code of poplar Dyad Triad Tetrad Total Expected rate of 2n pollen % Observed rate of 2n pollen % ? 2 EA1 EA2 EA3 EA4 P 539 163 689 2189 308 341 1818 682 4093 484 6629 5528 6354 1691 7308 7509 7509 7725 7973 8100 4 . 96 7. 69 7. 14 36. 17 3. 15 0. 03 0. 09 10. 08 29. 41 2. 35 26. 056** ** Indicated significant difference between expected rate of 2n pollen from sporads sample and the observed rate of 2n pollen from pollen sample at P 0. 01. The percentage were converted to arcsine data before ? 2 test. . Results and Analysis 3. 2. Detection of polyploid offspring of 2n pollen Diploid 61# Diploid 61# Triploid 65# Triploid 65# 0 50 Channels (FL2-A- 100 150 1. 27) 200 250 Diploid 61# Diploid 61# Triploid 73# Triploid 73# 0 50 Channels (FL2-A- 100 150 1. 27) 200 Diploid 61# 61#+ 61# Diploid 75# 75# Tetraploid Tetraploid 75# 0 50 Channels (FL2-A- 100 150 1. 27) 200 250 3. Results and Analysis 3. 3. SSR determination on mechanism of 2n pollen formation M + M EA4 A EA4 4x 75# 2x 2x 2x 4x 2x 2x 75# 4x M EA4 + 75# 2x 2x 2x A M + 4x 2x 2x 2x EA4 A 75# (a) Primer: 14: M + EA4 A (b) Primer: 41 4x 2x 2x 2x (c) Primer: 47 75# + 4x 2x 2x 2x EA4 A 75# M (d) Primer: 68 (e) Primer: 105 Table 2 Segregation of alleles at loci where the male Populus ? euramericana. (Dode) Guinier parent EA4 is heterozygous Code 14 41 47 68 105 SSR primer GCPM_2453-1 GCPM_3345-1 GCPM_3559-1 GCPM_432-1 ORPM_29 locus 1 2 3 4 5 6 EA4() AB AB AB AB A0 B0 A(+) CDE AC B A C0 DE 75#(4x) ABCDE ABC AB AB A0C0 B0DE 421(2x) 422(2x) 423(2x) ADE AC B A C0 BE ADE AC AB A C0 BE ADE AC AB A C0 BE These letters do not necessarily correspond to discrete alleles(e. g. the â€Å"E†band for GCPM_2453-1 may be the non specific amplification ) and ORPM_29 primer detects two loci, 0 means a null allele. . Results and Analysis 3. 3. SSR determination on mechanism of 2n pollen formation M P + 3x 3x 2x 2x 2x A 65# 73# M + 3x 3x 2x P A 65# 73# 2x 2x (a) Primer: 13 M P + A 3x 3x 2x 65# 73# 2x 2x (b) Primer: 68 (c) Primer: 105 Table 3 Segregation of alleles at loci where the male P. ? popularis parent P is haterozygous Code 14 68 105 SSR primer GCPM_2453-1 GCPM_432-1 ORPM_29 4 AB BD AD AD BB AB AB locus 1 2 3 P() AB AB 00 A (+) CAD C C0 65#(3x) CAB AC C0 73#(3x) 321(2x) CAB BC C0 AD AC 00 322(2x) 323(2x) AD AC C0 AD AC 00 These letters do not necessarily correspond to discrete alleles(e. g. the â€Å"C†band for GCPM_24531 may be the non specific amplification) and the ORPM_29 primer detects two loci, 0 means a null allele. 4. Discussion 4. 1 Mechanisms of 2n pollen formation 4. 2 The biological reason for high percentage of 2n pollen 4. 3 The formation of 2n female gametes in poplars of section Aigeiros 4. 4 Polyploidy identification using molecular markers 4. 5 Implications of polyploidy for genetic research and tree breeding How to cite The 23rd Session of the International Poplar Commission, Essay examples

Friday, December 6, 2019

Cold War Objectives free essay sample

Compare two proxy conflicts in two different regions. †¢ Analyze the role of detente. †¢ Analyze political developments in China (Great Leap Forward, Cultural Revolution) †¢ Discuss the Sino-Soviet split. †¢ Evaluate the process and effectiveness of various arms control regimes. †¢ Examine internal dissent in the communist world. Determine to what extent the Soviet Union and its satellites collapsed or were forced into defeat. Compare two proxy conflicts in two different regions. Proxy War: a war instigated by a major power that does not itself participate Korea: †¢ 1950-1953; Truman and Eisenhower †¢ Had been taken over before, constantly being invaded and too weak to fight for their independence †¢ War of attrition (push boundaries), conventional war, much more like WWI †¢ Did not make it nuclear because it WAS proxy Soviets got involved first, China gave aid †¢ Were not given a blank check, actually told to stop †¢ America engaged because of the Domino Theory; to contain Communism in independent nations; fought against ideology not individual o Did not come in until August 12 †¢ Korea was split because Soviet and US forces met halfway up peninsula after WWII and stayed there †¢ US and USSR changed leaders (Truman to Eisenhower, Stalin to Khrushchev), while China and Korea stayed the same †¢ Korean leaders Kim Il-Sung – North, Communist o Synghman Rhee – South, Democratic, Christian, US supported just because he was anti-Communist although he was authoritarian †¢ US gave supplies before sending troops †¢ Divided along the 38th parallel †¢ Ended in an armistice and ceasefire with concessions for both sides, North and South Korea still divided today Vietnam: †¢ 1955-1975; Eisenhower, Kennedy, Johnson, Nixon †¢ Divided along the 17th parallel †¢ Just US got involved Had been taken over before (French Indochina, Japan) and wanted independence but was unable to claim it directly after WWII †¢ More guerilla warfare, first televised war, Americans did napalm, agent orange, carpet bombing, rolling thunder †¢ Nuclear warfare was unnecessary, MAD †¢ Vietnamese leaders o Ho Chih Minh – North Communist o Ngo Dinh Diem – South, Democratic, Christian, US was embarrassed with him also because he was a â€Å"brutal dictator† †¢ American engaged because of the Domino Theory; to contain Communism in independent nations; fought against ideology not individual †¢ Fighting two different wars Vietnamese fighting for nationalism and independence, total war o US was for containment, limited war †¢ United States pulled out 1973 under ceasefire with concessions for both sides, North invaded South Compare †¢ Both had been taken over multiple times before the war and wanted their independence o Korea was promised independence in Cairo Conference and never got it (1943); were not consulted in Potsdam after being divided o Viet Minh and Viet Cong – product of nationalist tendencies †¢ The US joined both wars because of the Domino Theory: they were trying to contain Communism in â€Å"independent† nations; fought against ideology not individual †¢ US did not really like the leaders they were supporting, they were just anti-Communist †¢ US believed both were limited wars, while the opposite side it was more of an important war (absolute war for Koreans and Vietnamese); US did not use all resources or troops †¢ Both ended with US withdrawing before the conflict was over; ceasefire, considered unwinnable o Korea: stalemate,

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Pierce the Veil - A flair for the dramatics free essay sample

With a sky-scraping voice like Coheed and Cambria and intricate instrumentation like Avenge Sevenfold, Pierce the Veil is bound to be the next Fall Out Boy. Tracks on this album range from slow and melodic to heavy and booming. Vic Fuentes, the main vocalist, varies between screaming and singing. He also captures the listener with thoughtful metaphors for love such as If I could find a place for the holiday, maybe I would call, Youre a payphone away. However the real PTV cannot be experienced unless you see them live. With the amount of energy the band has on stage it is impossible to stand still.

Monday, November 25, 2019

Exploring Plot Involving Marriage Through Classic American Literature †English Research Paper

Exploring Plot Involving Marriage Through Classic American Literature – English Research Paper Free Online Research Papers Exploring Plot Involving Marriage Through Classic American Literature English Research Paper Over time, many works of American literature have included plots of relationships and marriages. These marriages often are very complex just like relationships are in real life. Authors choose to follow the trend of real life in saying that not all relationships, especially marriages, are successful. In fact, in most American literature, authors choose to describe the downfall of an unsuccessful relationship. Very few novels that I have read choose to show how the â€Å"happy relationship† does exist. A pattern in books that describe either a successful or unsuccessful marriage is they describe what qualities are needed to make a marriage. In the novel, Their Eyes Were Watching God, Zora Neale Hurston chose to go against most authors and describe a successful, happy marriage. But like most authors, in the novels The Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne, and The Awakening by Kate Chopin, the authors chose to describe the typical unsuccessful relationship. In the novel, Their Eyes Were Watching God, the main character Janie has many relationships throughout the plot. Janie’s ultimate goal in life is to find an identity through finding her true love (Domina 2). After two failed marriages, during which time her husbands treated her horribly, she finally feels a sense of freedom; this freedom is short-lived, however, when she meets a man named Tea Cake whom she falls instantly in love with. â€Å"Tea Cake, who represents the closest resemblance to her youthful idealism regarding love and marriage† (â€Å"Novel Guide† 1). When Janie and Tea Cake get married, they encounter problems like many other marriages. What Hurston describes as the key to Janie and Tea Cake’s marriage is open-ness, trust, and most importantly true love. Immediately after they get married, Tea Cake steals Janie’s money from her. The only way Janie and Tea Cake made it through their troubles were to be completely open with one anothe r, a true sign of a successful relationship. Throughout the novel you see how the two lovers share a deep respect for one another. Janie views fulfilling relationships as reciprocal and based on mutual respect, as demonstrated in her relationship with Tea Cake, which elevates Janie into an equality noticeably absent from her marriages to Logan and Jody (Berridge 4). When Tea Cake tells Janie, â€Å"You’se something tuh make uh man forgit tuh git old and forgit tuh die,† it shows how deep and true the love between himself and Janie truly is. One reason for this undying love was due to Janie and Tea Cake being able to maintain their independence, which was important to both of them. â€Å"Yet Janie enjoys herself with Tea Cake more than she has with any other man. Tea Cake does not limit her to a particular role, he enjoys life and invites Janie to simply be herself (2). After Tea Cake dies, the author describes it as, â€Å"she was too busy feeling grief to dress like grief,† displaying how incredibly saddened she was over Tea Cake. He meant so much to her that she was utterly lost without him. Hurston here describes how in a successful relationship, when you lose the one you love, you feel like you have lost half your soul, which is how Janie feels in the novel. â€Å"†¦thanked him wordlessly for giving her the chance for loving service† (Domina 2). Whenever Janie and Tea Cake had problems they were always able to get through it, move on, and learn from it. â€Å"Ah’m thankful for everything we come through together.† The importance of certain qualities of a successful marriage, such as these described in Their Eyes Were Watching God, can also be revealed through the lack of such qualities in unsuccessful marriages. In The Scarlet Letter, the relationship between Hester and Roger Chillingworth was unsuccessful due to the faults of both spouses. Hester and Roger were married in Europe, and Roger sent Hester America promising to join her there soon. Ultimately, she was left alone in America not knowing whether Roger was alive or dead. â€Å"†¦ was the wife of a certain learned man, sent his wife before him†¦ being left on her own misguidance†¦ as it is most likely, her husband may be at the bottom of the sea.† Not hearing from your husband in two years and not being sure whether he’s alive was the biggest contributor to Hester’s failed marriage. With a frequent or extended absence from one person in a relationship, a couple ultimately grows apart. Because Hester was so alone in America, she became an adulterous woman and had an affair with Dimmesdale. Hester’s adulterous relations turned the â€Å"mother-father-child† family frame into a distorted family of 4 (Colacurcio 32). Hester’s infidelity with Dimmesdale seemed to be attributed to Hester’s independence from her husband, and freedom from the confines of her society. â€Å"†¦celebration of Hester’s sexual nature is also necessarily a celebration of her highly individual will† (Bloom, â€Å"Bloom’s Notes† 7). Edna in The Awakening also displays this characteristic of Hester’s. The silence Hester kept in order to protect Dimmesdale shifts her loyalty from her husband to her lover (Colacurcio 42). When Chillingworth found out the child Hester had was not his, he became very hostile towards her. When she was face-to-face with her husband, she was very uncomfortable and didn’t trust him. â€Å"looked into her eyes-a gaze that made her shrink and shudder because so familiar yet so strange and cold.† When a wife doesn’t trust her husband, there is no doubt that the relationship will ultimately be a fai lure. Hester also holds a great resentment towards Roger, and is very unreceptive of him. â€Å"She is not even compassionate to Chillingworth who, it must be said, rewards her at least with ample understanding and a certain measure of sympathy† (Kaul 17). When Hester and Roger meet again, they had no feelings for each other, and didn’t trust each other; the two most important components in a marriage. Hester and Roger, just like Edna and Leonce, didn’t have true love that was equal from the beginning. â€Å"thou knowest that I was frank with thee. I felt no love or feigned any.† Roger loved Hester deeply, but the love was never returned. â€Å"†¦ the relationship was utterly lacking the Christian virtues of love and compassion† (Bryson 92). Later in the book, Roger admits that he had an instinct that the marriage was doomed from the start. â€Å"From the moment he came down the old church steps together†¦ that scarlet letter blazing at the end of our path.† The Scarlet Letter, like many other novels, illustrated what characteristics define an unsuccessful relationship. Finally, in The Awakening, the relationship between Edna and Leonce was a love-less, doomed marriage. Kate Chopin describes in the novel that when Edna first married Leonce that she didn’t love him. When Edna was a young child, she had a vision of what she thought was the perfect marriage; a vision that would never be fulfilled. â€Å" Edna searches for the same this as Leonce: a spouse and children who adore and worship her† (â€Å"Awakening† 3). From the first day, the relationship was unsuccessful because Edna thought she could â€Å"grow† to love him. She was so pleased with the way Leonce worshiped her, that she assumed she could love him. â€Å"Edna married Leonce for all the wrong reasons†¦ he was merely ‘putting his best side forward for her’†(4). When they were married, the couple frequently fought and was angry at one another. Leonce, being a typical upper class male of his time, considered his wife as more of an object o f ownership rather than as an equal person. It is said that he looked upon his wife as one looks at a valuable piece of property. Of course, this would seem to find Leonce guilty of male chauvinism, if it were true that he viewed her as a possession and not a person, a mate, or a spouse (1). This treatment thus caused Edna, who was a very strong and independent woman, to be a very disrespectful wife and lose any admiration she once had for her husband. She also eventually disregarded her husband’s feelings. â€Å"’I mean to stay out here. I don’t wish to go in and I don’t intend to. Don’t speak to me like that again; I shall not answer you.’† This instance of disregard for her husband showed the pathetic state their marriage was in, if such hostility could arise over such an insignificant issue. When Edna began to overlook her husband’s feelings, Leonce also began be indifferent to Edna’s emotions. â€Å"Leonce is show n to be unconcerned with his wife, but here he is rather unmistakable as being very cold, and shows evidence of the fact that Leonce does indeed hold himself and his own affairs in somewhat of a higher esteem than he does those of Edna† (1). Another fault in their marriages was their failure to accept one another for who they were. Leonce wouldn’t let Edna paint like she wanted to, and also he was not fond of the fact that she didn’t enjoy the role of being a housewife. â€Å"Then her absolute disregard for her duties as a wife angered him.† Leonce also was hostile towards her because he felt she didn’t do a good enough job taking care of the children. â€Å"A difficult matter for Mr. Pontiellier to define his own satisfaction†¦his wife failed in her duty towards the children.† Leonce simply wanted the normal wife of the time, one who idolized her children and worshiped her husband. It almost seems that she felt the children were what k ept her involved in her empty marriage with Leonce (8). All this resentment and displeasure in each other’s personality built up in the life of their marriage and was a great factor in its decline. Leonce also frequently left Edna and was rarely around. â€Å"He was returning to the city†¦ he was eager to be gone.† â€Å"He would obviously rather be in the company of friends, gambling and drinking at the club, than spend a night with his wife. He did not even feel the need to tell her at what time he planned to arrive. The fact that she understands, without him saying it, he will probably not return until late, would suggest that this is a normal practice of his†(2). To make up for his absence, he would always try to buy back her love and support by giving her gifts. The separation between Leonce and Edna lead them to grow even farther apart. â€Å"A few days later, a box arrived for Mrs. Pontiellier†¦Ã¢â‚¬  Because of his frequent gifts, many wom en thought he was the greatest husband, when that was entirely wrong. Edna also helped in making the marriage unsuccessful. She never cared, or even listened when her husband was expressing his feelings about something very important to him. This utter disrespect caused a lack of communication, which was another factor in the failure in the relationship. â€Å"He thought it very discouraging that his wife†¦ evinced so little in things that concerned him, and valued his conversation so little.† The most important factor in a marriage, true love, was never present. Edna never loved her husband, causing her to be adulterous and yearn desperately for another man. â€Å"Once she stopped, and taking off her wedding ring, flung it upon the carpet†¦she stamped her heel upon it, striving to crush it.† â€Å"This would seem to be a metaphor, showing the way in which she so desperately wished to end the marriage, but finds it to be utterly inescapable† (6). Wi th a loveless marriage that had no foundation to keep it going, the relationship between Edna and Leonce was a failure. The Awakening was simply a â€Å"tale of a husband and wife who both want the same thing out of marriage; logically, though, it is rather impossible for both parties to be satisfied, and one must take on the role of the worshiper rather than the worshiped† (3). Throughout these three novels, the authors exemplified what a marriage needs to be successful. Instead of choosing to show how these make a relationship successful, most authors choose to show how a loss of these qualities evolves into a failed relationship. Nonetheless, whether the relationship in the plot of a novel was a success or not, it usually is a major tool to developing the morals and themes of the work of literature. These failed relationships and the few successful ones allow the reader to see what is important in a relationship. Another reason many authors choose to write about failed relationships is usually because their story is much more entertaining than the story of the normal true love. Therefore, it can be affirmed that many authors throughout American literature prefer to tell the story of a failed relationship rather than a successful one. Research Papers on Exploring Plot Involving Marriage Through Classic American Literature - English Research PaperMind TravelHonest Iagos Truth through DeceptionInfluences of Socio-Economic Status of Married MalesThe Masque of the Red Death Room meaningsComparison: Letter from Birmingham and CritoResearch Process Part OneThree Concepts of PsychodynamicRelationship between Media Coverage and Social andAnalysis of Ebay Expanding into Asia19 Century Society: A Deeply Divided Era

Thursday, November 21, 2019

History Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words - 1

History - Essay Example Secular Humanism however presents a way of living for the human beings and suggests that following religion does not specifies if a man is good or not, a man can lead a good life by doing good to the people and the environment around him and bringing peace and harmony to everyone in the society. This is the only way he can lead a happy and successful life. Secular Humanism stresses on the logical reasoning of things before accepting them and the concept of accepting things on the basis of religious beliefs is totally rejected. According to the ideology presented by Secular Humanism, humans should utilize their power to think and reason before accepting or rejecting any idea and their decisions should be based on logical reasoning and not on the illogical and inherited religious beliefs. Secular Humanism persuades human mind to indulge in learning and logical reasoning the ability of logical reasoning is developed by learning the arts. Secular Humanism is neither a religion nor follow s the dictionary meaning of the word secular because it upholds the concept of human dignity and stresses the followers to practice moral and ethical values in their lives. According to the secular humanism ideology, the aim of life of a human is to achieve high levels in moral and ethical conduct and serve the mankind. The humans are supposed to develop themselves and achieve new heights because the process of evolution is still in progress. According to secular humanism, the human life ends with death and there is no life after death and humans are not answerable to anyone. Therefore it is antagonistic to religious beliefs because the concept of God and life after death is absent however it can still be classified as a religion if religion is defined as a set of beliefs and a way of life. The world today has about 40-50 million followers of this ideology. (428 words) Printing Press and Religion With the invention of the printing press in the 15th century remarkable changers were o bserved in literature, learning and religion. The idea of printing press and moveable type was first perceived by Gutenberg and he put together paper, winepress and oil based ink, three different technological developments of that time. The arrangement he formulated could be used for printing books and in this way the first printing press was invented. The invention of printing press brought a revolution in reading and writing and this also included the religious reading because prior to this invention, the books and written literature was not accessible to everyone and was also very expensive. The objective of the development and invention of the printing press was to lower down the prices of the books and to produce them in large numbers so that more and more people could learn from books and the Bible. More and more books were made available to the common people and learning and the transfer of knowledge became very frequent. The printing press initiated the information revolutio n because printing allowed the quick transfer of a large amount of knowledge with ease. The effect of printing was very evident in the population because people started reading and learning new skills and techniques which helped them develop themselves into useful individuals of the society. Moreover with the invention of printing press more educational institutions and libraries were opened and revolutionary

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Analysis of artworks Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Analysis of artworks - Essay Example The choice of the two paintings was inspired by their stunning looks, and because of my passion for landscape and realism artwork (Alpers 12). The analysis will include description of the painting, technical analysis, aesthetic evaluation, and interpretation of their meaning. The last part will include comparison of the two paintings and the conclusion. Adoration (1985) This art oil on canvas artwork was done by Paul Peel in 1885. It was issued as a gift to Mrs. Robert Wood in 1940, in Memory of her husband. Its overall size is 129.5 x 165.1Â  cm. It is currently displayed at Art Gallery of Ontario. Adoration (1885) is a real artwork, which looks incredibly stunning. The artist has used an impressionist style, which is really successful because the viewers can hardly distinguish the artwork from the real photography. The woman’s dress is made of layers of cleaves, accented by dark shades that demonstrates the source of light as well as their baggy size. The grass, which is lo osely scattered all over the place, looks like a casual splash of paint when viewed from a close distance. However, from a distance, the grass looks so organized with lively colors that make the whole atmosphere look hot and semi-arid (Davis 220). From a closer look, the background looks like a meaningless brushstroke until the viewer takes a few steps back to recognize the long distance perspective of a hilly background with a building somewhere at a closer distance. In other words, the artist has successfully used lighter colors for the background horizon to create distance. It seems as if the hilly background is very many miles from the foreground, an aspect that is really interesting for the viewer to experience (Roskill 145). This artwork is asymmetrical, with the woman and her kid on the right, leaving the left side for the allure of nature to be featured perfectly and without distraction. The woman appears to be busy undertaking her daily activity, with the baby appearing ver y comfortable with what is going on, possibly implying that the activity is a daily routine. The bright colors express a warm mood. The manner in which the woman is doing her work together with her baby reminds me of my early days when my mum used to walk with me everywhere she went, including the garden. I think the artist is trying to portly the idea of working hard in what one does (Frye 112). The colors used on the woman are closely related to the ones applied on the rest of the composition, but blending of these colors must have been done proficiently because use of closely related colors do not make any image to look obscure. For example, despite the fact that the color used to paint the wheelbarrow is almost the same as that used to paint grass, the viewer can easily mark out the outline of the wheelbarrow, an aspect that shows that the artist must have been extremely skillful (Fuchs 45). From the analysis of this artwork, I have realized that the use of colors that are relat ed is really important, and that good-blending of such colors can make a composition look awesome. I have also learnt that I can also make a good artwork if I am careful with the way I chose and mix colors, because this is an aspect I was not really good in doing. Certainly, I have liked this artwork and it has really inspired me, not only in respect to art but also in my daily life, because I have felt more attracted to the allure of nature and working hard to get daily bread (Lemert and Branaman 16). Figure 1: Adoration (1985) The Young Gleaner or the Butterflies The Butterflies is an oil on canvas artwork that measures124.2 x 93.2 cm. It is currently displayed at the Thomson Collection at the Art Gallery of Ontario. The paining is vertical in orientation, which perfectly

Monday, November 18, 2019

Cloud Computing Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 2

Cloud Computing - Research Paper Example The second step is the architecture, engineering and deployment, which basically entails setting architectural framework, engineering the process of cloud computing and putting it into action. Another important step in cloud computing is governance and management, and this involves the dynamics of workflow coding, service assurance, security, operation, provision and consumption. It also involves issues of automation management and its incorporation into every function and layer of the organization. Question 1(b) Deployment of cloud systems in organizations depend on a number of variables, including the structure of the organization and its provisioning location. To elaborate on these variables, we will examine the conditions that suit the deployment of different models of cloud systems in organizations and examples of such models of cloud systems. Deployment of a cloud system depends on the type of cloud service offering available. This will determine the model of cloud system deplo yed. For instance, if the cloud system available is public, then the model of cloud system deployed will be public cloud. The type of infrastructure available also will influence the type of cloud system deployed. ... Cloud deployment also depends on the economic situation of the organization. For instance, shared infrastructure reduces costs as compared to using infrastructure that can be accessed only by a specific organization. An organization must consider the security conditions of the cloud system they want to adopt. In terms of security, however, private cloud takes the crown. Question 2 Data centric is the concept of using the database as the dominant aspect of applications in the organization. In this case, the fundamental unit of communication in a distributed system is a data object value, in which all the application nodes have an understanding of a single value. Cloud computing creates a situation where there is large amounts of both unstructured and structured information that needs processing, analysis and linking (Erl, Puttini, & Mahmood, 2013). This calls for a single unit with Big Data capabilities to access, process and store a vast amount of data. In addition, the large volumes of data in cloud computing requires an application that can mine, analyze and visualize the presented data into understandable information. This is where data centric comes in concerning cloud computing and data management. Adoption of cloud services presents challenges of data privacy and issues of risk to an organization. Therefore, security has been a major obstacle in adoption of cloud services, which calls for a way of solving the issue. Thanks to data centric approach, one of its effects on cloud computing and data management is that it provides a safe way of sharing data without compromising an organization’s privacy. As a result, data centric helps in preserving the sensitive information of a company, which would otherwise be unsafe due to

Friday, November 15, 2019

Building Information Modelling Analysis Construction Essay

Building Information Modelling Analysis Construction Essay Building Information Modelling (BIM) allows constructing a building virtually in a detailed form. During the design phase, the materials that will make up the finished structure including concrete slabs, rebar, steel structure, wall and ceiling components, HVAC, plumbing and electrical can be selected and placed. But tests can be carried out to ensure everything will come together without a glitch. The 3-D building model can be used to analyze the designed buildings energy efficiency by running scenarios to determine the best of possible solutions. In addition, depending on the detail of the model, you can automatically take off all items contained in the model and that way produce an impressively precise estimate. The software and database management technology exists today to accomplish exactly this. The degree of collaboration and coordination between the various construction disciplines that BIM calls for has to be bought into notice. Not only the owners and architects, but engin eers, contractors and, ideally, subcontractors as well, need to be involved in the project from the outset; in other words, during the design of the building. This, of course, invariably means some form of design-build rather than the currently prevailing design-bid-build process. BIM is an entirely new way of looking at the design and construction of a building. Many quarters are hailing BIM as the solution to most, if not all, construction industry ills, solving both design and construction problems while also providing a complete 3-D building model as a property management facility upon completion of the project. AN OVERVIEW The concepts and methodologies of BIM date back as far as 30 years-and then primarily within the manufacturing and aerospace industries. BIM as design and construction term was introduced about 15 years ago to set the then-emerging, information-rich, architectural computer-3-D modelling apart from traditional, and mainly paper-based, 2-D design and drawing. BIM intended to assign both software approach and method of designing and constructing a building by the use of highly coordinated and internally consistent computable information about the building; all the way from conceptual design, through construction, to post construction and asset management. A correctly assembled BIM is a reliable, digital, three dimensional, virtual representation of the project to be built, for use in design and in construction document production, scheduling, planning, performance predictions and in cost estimates. Three-dimensional demonstration of a centralized database containing all items that will consist of the actual building including their location, dimension, relation to other items, composition and cost in a digitally interpreted environment for engineers and architects. Assumption is done in such a way that all the input is accurate and resolves the builder in an easy assimilated view of the intact representation, its interrelations, and of any positional issues. And most importantly, it will also provide the information and the understanding necessary to resolve positional conflicts and other issues during the design phase, rather than later, on the building site. COMPONENTS OF BIM BIM is composed of several data involving legal, geospatial, financial, designer, owner/occupier, sustainers, Specifier and environmentalist data. Fig 1 Components of BIM Key features of BIM includes Ability to hasten design-to-build including starting projects from pre-approved project templates, supplier management and virtual commissioning designed to accelerate project execution. 3D visualization of the logical definition and the complete 3D physical definition, together in an environment to simulate and analyze equipment positioning and clash detection. Information management of all types of enterprise data including contracts, compliance documents, requirements, manufacturing processes, costing and procurement information. A global collaboration environment that enables full traceability, knowledge reuses and process automation for design, engineering and construction planning. Prepare the models for fabrication and construction with tools that support project work breakdown structure management including project status reports, task lists, approved vendor lists, workforce resources, etc. THE PLAYERS The field of BIM players breaks down into makers of three distinctly different sets of tools: 3-D modellers. Viewers/Surface modellers. Analyzers. The 3-D modeller is the true BIM tool, working with solid, parametric objects in sufficient detail to virtually construct the building. Not all views of the project have to be in that detail, however. The financing entity may want to see what the building will look like-as may the owner- and for that all you need is a surface modeller-or a viewer-to which all shapes are hollow. All it knows about is surfaces, which is all it needs to recognize in order to show concepts, and detect clashes for instance, and as such is of tremendous value. Analyzers are normally third-party software that speaks to the main BIM tool, meaning it can import and then analyze data from the 3-D modeller to determine the models energy efficiency or day lighting, among other things. BIM is an approach which essentially requires a technology to be implemented effectively. The combination of CAD, Object CAD and Parametric building modelling with respect to the effect and effort makes the building information modelling possible. Fig 2 shows the graphical representation of all these technologies which leads to BIM. Fig 2 Graph showing the technology The figure preceding shows the entire effect of each of these technologies shown in vertical axis measured against the effort required for those results in the horizontal axis. BIM has been consistent in the industry with its competitive advantages Increased speed of delivery Minimizes the errors Saves money Greater output High workability New revenue and business opportunity Design visualization Collision detection Quantity take-off 4D constructability 5D cost estimation Facility operations Fig 3 Hierarchy of BIM phases Building information modelling supports the continuous and immediate availability of project design scope, schedule, and cost information that is high quality, reliable, integrated, and fully coordinated. But it is not itself a technology, it is supported to varying degrees by different technologies. Building information modelling is based on intersection of 2 critical ideas: 1) Keeping critical design information in a digital form makes it very simple for updating and sharing .It is more valuable to the firms creating and using it. 2) Creating real-time, consistent relationships between digital design data using innovative parametric building modelling technology can save significant amounts of time and cost and increases the project productivity and quality. Below given is a detailed look at how Building Information modelling works and how the different phases such as design, construction and management of building lifecycle are benefitted. BENEFITS IN THE DESIGN PHASE During the course of a building project, an architect must handle the project scope, schedule, and cost evenly. Changes to any of these variables can have a negative effect on cost, time and money. Using the traditional methods, access to design and geometry related information is usually fairly steady. But cost and scheduling information is only occasionally available because of the period and attempt necessary to create it. By means of building information modelling, all of this significant information is immediately accessible, so that project-related decisions can be made more rapidly and effectively. Building information modelling allows changes to the project at anytime during the designing or documentation process without difficulty, thus the team gets more time to work on other high-value architectural problems. This leads the documentation and designing work of the building to be carried out simultaneously, instead of doing successively, this is due to the design plan is captured at the point of conception and embedded in the documentation as the work proceeds. Whenever a change is made to a project, all the consequences of that alteration are automatically coordinated throughout the project and is documented. This allows the design team to function faster, because this consumes the time and effort spent on delivering the visualisations and regulatory approval documents. The automatic coordination of changes offered by this building information modelling eradicates the coordination mistakes thus it improves the overall quality of the project and helps companies with more repe at business. BENEFITS IN THE CONSTRUCTION PHASE In the construction phase of the project lifecycle, building information modelling makes available the real-time informations on building quality, schedule, and cost. The builder can accelerate the quantification of the building for estimating and value-engineering purposes and for the production of updated estimates and construction planning. The cost and consequences of proposed products can be studied and understood easily thus the builder can prepare plans showing site use or renovation phasing for the owner. Building information modelling consumes less time and money is spent on administration process in construction because document quality is high and construction planning better. Thus the end result is that more of the owners construction money goes into the building than into overhead costs. BENEFITS IN THE MANAGEMENT PHASE Building information modelling also makes available the concurrent information in the management phase of the building such as performance of the building, its occupants and contents, and the economic aspects of the building. Building information modelling provides a digital record of renovations and improves more planning and management. It accelerates the alteration of standard building prototypes to site conditions for businesses, such as retail, that require the construction of similar buildings in many different locations. Physical information about the building, such as tenant or department assignments, furniture and equipment inventory, and financially important data about leasable areas and rental income or departmental cost allocations are all more easily managed and available. Reliable access to these types of information improves both revenue and cost management in the operation of the building. OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE BIM is updated during construction to create as build record. Geometry is linked with the text and tabular information in equipment and maintenance manuals and it becomes a record to support the facilities management. Fig 4 BIM model (L) and Prototype (R) Features of facility management Improved asset definition The allocation is done so as to include the cost and work order data with respect to the required time. Simplified order provision Improvements are to be made in allocating the time and cost data. Extended cost model It enables the costing of any product throughout the lifecycle which includes captured costs, budgets, estimates and cost roll up. Condition monitoring The condition data are to be captured by two different means namely instrumentation and visual inception. Request capture Additional captures for operations and maintenance works and also dealt with work order requests. Service life data It should include the management and service life capture; taking prior notice to perform the analysis using the standards. Environmental impact Sustainable working atmosphere must be given consideration for all the environmental data which allows the total impact assessment all the process. Permits The proper access, security and work must be done which is possible only by providing the permit captures. Operating and maintenance information Provisions must be given to analyse the operations and maintenance information as per the relevant standards. The above mentioned are the major features of the facility management which must be taken into account while the operations and maintenance sequence is carried out. CASE STUDY The below mentioned is significant case study carried out in BIM at Canary Wharf located at the Churchill place, London. This building is located in Churchill place, London. It comprises of around 30,000 m2 with expedient access to major facilities of Canary Wharf, Docklands Light Railway station Jubilee line. It consists of 4 basement level, ground and six trading floors. The concealment is characterized by steel and Granite mixtures. Depending from where we view the building appearance varies; from a point it appears as a steel building from another view it appears as a predominately stone building. Foremost goal of the designing is its sustainability level. Built on a Brownfield site, a BREEAM rating of Excellent was achieved for this building. Use of the IFC beam BIM models of the new and existing buildings where built by HOK and WSP using the software named Revit Architecture and Revit Structural correspondingly. Autodesk .RVT files where used for the purpose of all the data exchange in the entire project. By merging the supply chain steel fabrication model which was shaped using Stru CAD software by a Dutch steel fabricator was one of the momentous underscore. The project was further imported to the Revit using a 3D DWG format which therein relates the HOK produced a construction design. A high degree of significance was shown in all the results achieved using traditional non-BIM methods.   Design reviews have benefit from using 3D Revit and Navisworks review which is possible only through regular project meetings with client and design team.   The main contractor has modelled the services in 3D using CAD Duct and is coordinating all BIM models using Navisworks to coordinate the Services supply chain design.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Harriet Powers :: biographies bio biography

Harriet Powers was born as a slave in 1837 in the state of Georgia. Powers was the creator of two specific quilts which are the most famous and well preserved examples of Southern American quilting tradition still in existence. Powers used the traditional African appliquà © technique coupled with the European record keeping and biblical reference traditions. Using these techniques, Powers was able to capture historical legends and Biblical stories in her quilts. Harriet Powers’ quilts were first seen at a crafts fair by an artist, a Southern white woman named Jennie Smith. Ms. Smith, who kept a diary and upon first meeting Harriet, recalls -- "I found the owner, a negro woman, who lived in the country on a little farm whereon she and her husband made a respectable living. She is about sixty five years old, of a clear ginger cake color, and is a very clean and interesting woman who loves to talk of her 'old miss' and life 'befo de wah.' " At first Harriet Powers was unwilling to sell her quilts to Ms. Smith. Yet when she and her family came into financial difficulty she agreed to sell them. Ms Smith writes -- " Last year I sent her word that I would buy it if she still wanted to dispose of it. She arrived one afternoon in front of my door in an ox-cart with the precious burden in her lap encased in a clean flour sack, which was still enveloped in a crocus sack. She offered it for ten dollars, but I told her I only had five to give. After going out consulting with her husband she returned and said 'Owin to de hardness of de times, my ole man lows I'd better tech hit.' Not being a new woman she obeyed. After giving me a full description of each scene with great earnestness, she departed but has been back several times to visit the darling offspring of her brain.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Characteristics of at Risk Students

Pregnant Teens Janet Riley AED/201-Teaching as a Profession December 23, 2012 Mary Ortiz Pregnant Teens In 2010 data was presented by Voices for Virginia’s Children showing a pregnancy rate for school aged children in Virginia Beach to be 106. 7 per 1000 teens (The Annie E. Casey Foundation, 2012). Teenage pregnancy is an issue for many and causes problems for students (University of Phoenix, 2005). The Virginia Beach school district offers programs for pregnant teens to help them become less â€Å"at risk†. Once the teens are in the situation of becoming pregnant, many believe they do not have a choice to continue their education.There are programs such as night classes and centers for pregnant teens available in Virginia Beach for these students. The centers offer free childcare while the parents are in class. This way they do not have to miss school because they have no one to watch the children. The night school has an advanced curriculum to help the students gradua te faster. Both programs are good for the teenage parents because it puts them together with others in the same situation. Not only does this put them in a setting with others that can understand what they are going through, it also puts them in an environment where they won’t feel judged by others.Teenage parents may often drop out due to self-esteem issues or lack of help from others. It is very important to both the parents and children that the teens receive a proper education. That is why the programs mentioned are beneficial. They help the teens get past the problems associated with teen pregnancy. They also offer special classes on parenting to help the teens ease into the role of parents. This way they can better handle the transition into parenthood and manage to stay on track. Another great thing about the programs is that they do not cost anything.Many teen parents do not have a lot of money; and any money they have probably goes to doctors and items for the babies /children. The centers and special schools do not charge for admission or childcare. With this burden lifted, teens may feel they do not have to quit school. Just having the childcare is a big plus. Some teens do not get help from others and could not afford an independent daycare. So having a way to have their children being taken care of in a trusted environment is a big deal. There are programs offered by the state that are beneficial to these students as well.Medical programs and supplemental needs programs are offered. The state makes sure the teens and their children have access to doctors, mental health services, family planning services, and drug abuse services (Council on Virginia's Future, 2012). There are also programs to make sure nutritional needs are met. This is beneficial to students because they can stay healthy and well-nourished enough to remain in school. They also make sure that teens have counseling so they are not overwhelmed by the idea of parenting and finis hing school.The programs offered for pregnant teens by Virginia as a state and the city of Virginia Beach are great programs. This is something I actually have personal experience with. I used the night classes to finish school. The night school gave me a chance to graduate. And since the classes did not take up my whole day, I was still able to care for my son. The school years were only as long as an average semester, so it did not take as long to finish school. This way I was able to start a full time job sooner and did not have to sacrifice my education. There is one problem I have found with teen pregnancy programs.The issue of teen pregnancy is something many would rather not mention. People are afraid of bringing attention to the issue or creating influence. Therefore, the programs are not well known. Many only know of them through having to thoroughly research or by hearing from counselors or even peers after they have had time to give up. If the programs were more widely kn own, the teens would have the advantage to decide to go before completely dropping out. Teen pregnancy does cause a lot of issues when it comes to education. With the help of the schools and centers offered by the city, educational goals can be met.Though it should not be encouraged, the students do not have to be so â€Å"at-risk†. References Council on Virginia's Future. (2012). Teen Pregnancy. Retrieved from http://vaperforms. virginia. gov/indicators/healthfamily/teenpregnancy. php The Annie E. Casey Foundation. (2012). Teen Pregnancy Rate per 1,000 by Age Group (Rate) – 2010. Retrieved from http://datacenter. kidscount. org/data/bystate/Rankings. aspx? state=VA&ind=6393 University of Phoenix. (2005). Introduction to Teaching: Becoming a Professional, Second Edition. Retrieved from University of Phoenix, AED/201- Teaching as a Profession website.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Essay on Demographic Trends That Will Shape U.S. Policy in the Twenty-First CenturyEssay Writing Service

Essay on Demographic Trends That Will Shape U.S. Policy in the Twenty-First CenturyEssay Writing Service Essay on Demographic Trends That Will Shape U.S. Policy in the Twenty-First Century Essay on Demographic Trends That Will Shape U.S. Policy in the Twenty-First CenturyIn the article â€Å"Demographic Trends That Will Shape U.S. Policy in the Twenty-First Century†, Janet M. Wilmoth and Charles Longino analyze the current demographic trends of American population that have a strong impact on the existing age-related public policy. The authors of the article are focused on the 21-st century public policy. They provide general background information on the issue, which refers to the current demographic trends, placing emphasis on the key characteristics of the older adult population. It has been found that â€Å"demographic trends do set the stage on which public policy decisions will play out† (286). Today it is crucial for policy makers to take into consideration the increased number of older adults in the country, as well as their geographic distribution. Age-related policies should be focused on finding the ways to improve health, reduce mortality rate and disability level. Besides, policy makers should pay special attention to certain changes in the structure of present day American families. According to Janet M. Wilmoth and Charles Longino, â€Å"From 1900 to 2000, the population aged 65 or older increased from almost 3 million to nearly 35 million, and it is projected to nearly triple to almost 90 million by 2060† (270). These facts mean that the increasing number of older adult population may have a strong impact on public policies. The major reason of the growth rate is â€Å"the aging of the baby boom cohort† (Wilmoth Longino 270). The authors of the article highlight not only older adult trends, but also current trends among young adults and middle-aged adults. The authors state that women’s labor force participation has been changed over the past decades. The increased women’s labor force participation influences family structure. Thus, policy makers should not overlook the variation in women ’s labor force participation. In general, the authors of the article place emphasis on several important unpredictable factors that shape the U.S. public policy in the 21-st century, including the economic growth in the U.S., the projected characteristics of the population, the political climate in the country, and other factors. These factors can be regarded as the so-called â€Å"wild cards†, which â€Å"increase uncertainty about the social implications of population aging and make current policy debates more challenging† (Wilmoth Longino 288).  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   My response to this article is positive. The authors discuss significant issues, which have direct relation to current situation in the U.S. It is very important to understand the nature of challenges, which affect shaping the U.S. public policy in the 21-st century. Policy makers should be ready to take imperative action in order to avoid considerable cuts in spending or â €Å"more substantial tax increases† that may have negative impact on the ability of the U.S. government to solve problems caused by some unexpected events, such as war actions and financial crisis. This article is worth reading and analyzing as it provides much important information on planning for policy changes. The authors use valid sources, which contribute to better understanding of the key demographic trends that affect the formation of the U.S. public policy in the 21-st century, e.g. statistical data, peer-reviewed journals, documentation on public policy, and official websites of the relevant institutions. Due to the general background information on the issue of public concern, it is possible to assess the role of current demographic trends that are associated with shaping the age-related public policy in the U.S.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Free Essays on Good Life

Living a Simple Life â€Å"We have unintentionally achieved a human population explosion which is ruining quality of life in many parts of the world. The planet’s ecosphere and resources base may not tolerate even two more doublings of world population (to 20 billion). Either we limit our reproduction or nature will limit it for us by starvation and disease†. ( Milbrath, p.199 ) In his article, â€Å"Redefining the Good Life in a Sustainable Society† Lester W. Milbarth argues, that living a good life does not imply more consumption and the pursuit of material goods. He criticises the world of today and the people living in it by illustrating that we have created a society where growth and consumption are considered to be the two most important aspects of living a happy and prosperous life. In his view, quality of life can be achieved by a sense of happiness, physical well being, completeness, hope, and confidence more than continuing to grow in material consumption. His argument states that we are destroying the biospheric system and our lives are being spent in a way that would destroy many of our resources and would lead us to starvation and death. He goes on to say, that even if we became more technologically efficient through inventions we would not want to live a life that is defined by material quantities. Opposition to this view could say that through technology we can maintain desired consumption and create substitutes for resources that are scarce. Mark Sagoff argues that nature sets no limits to economic growth and even if the current population of the world doubles our environment and technological changes would be able to support human needs in any circumstance. He believes that the idea of resource scarcity and starvation is quite naive. This paper disagrees with the latter view in that, we need to distinguish quality of life away from consumption of material goods. The simple life can be interpreted as a focus on pr... Free Essays on Good Life Free Essays on Good Life Living a Simple Life â€Å"We have unintentionally achieved a human population explosion which is ruining quality of life in many parts of the world. The planet’s ecosphere and resources base may not tolerate even two more doublings of world population (to 20 billion). Either we limit our reproduction or nature will limit it for us by starvation and disease†. ( Milbrath, p.199 ) In his article, â€Å"Redefining the Good Life in a Sustainable Society† Lester W. Milbarth argues, that living a good life does not imply more consumption and the pursuit of material goods. He criticises the world of today and the people living in it by illustrating that we have created a society where growth and consumption are considered to be the two most important aspects of living a happy and prosperous life. In his view, quality of life can be achieved by a sense of happiness, physical well being, completeness, hope, and confidence more than continuing to grow in material consumption. His argument states that we are destroying the biospheric system and our lives are being spent in a way that would destroy many of our resources and would lead us to starvation and death. He goes on to say, that even if we became more technologically efficient through inventions we would not want to live a life that is defined by material quantities. Opposition to this view could say that through technology we can maintain desired consumption and create substitutes for resources that are scarce. Mark Sagoff argues that nature sets no limits to economic growth and even if the current population of the world doubles our environment and technological changes would be able to support human needs in any circumstance. He believes that the idea of resource scarcity and starvation is quite naive. This paper disagrees with the latter view in that, we need to distinguish quality of life away from consumption of material goods. The simple life can be interpreted as a focus on pr...

Monday, November 4, 2019

The Social Contract Theory Of Hobbes, Locke, and Rousseau Essay

The Social Contract Theory Of Hobbes, Locke, and Rousseau - Essay Example It however states that exercising additional rights will entail bearing additional responsibilities while exercising fewer responsibilities will entail fewer rights. Authority is the power invested government or body of government officials in order to enforce laws, command, determine, judge or even exact obedience. On the other hand, legitimacy is the popular acceptance of an authority by a system of governance. Political legitimacy is considered as the main reason for governing. When excising authority a decision made by an individual who has a high rank in the political arena or social sphere, it is expected that people will abide by it irrespective of whether the decision was understood by the society members. For example, a priest has a religious authority over the congregation. Social contract is an agreement done among members of a certain organized society or a government and the governed whereby the government defines and limits the rights and duties of each member of the government. For example in our country, there is a social contract between the governed and the government whereby the governed contribute some money to a government institution in exchange for treatment of a disease or accident. Hobbes believed that the state existed in order to serve the will of the people who can choose to give power to or with hold political power. In this scenario, parties to the contract are the government and the people. Locke contradicted the ideas of Hobbes by arguing that the state was formed as a result social contract because in the state of nature, each individual judged themselves and there was no protection against those living outside the law of nature thereby suggesting that the state be guided by natural law. Rousseau states that civil society has not done anything in order to enforce the equality and individual liberty that was promised to mankind thereby suggesting that the only

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Research report assignment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Research report assignment - Essay Example xpect and accept that power is distributed unequally† (Hofstede) as exemplified in Japan manifests the recognition of inequality in power structure that reverberates in the business applications. As explicitly disclosed, â€Å"some foreigners experience Japan as extremely hierarchical because of their business experience of painstakingly slow decision making process: all the decisions must be confirmed by each hierarchical layer and finally by the top management in Tokyo† (Hofstede par. 4). Therefore, in Japan, decision-making is expected to be based on more group consensus and structural hierarchical levels are observed prior to the approval of the man on the top of the organizational structure. The dimension of individualism is construed as the â€Å"the degree of interdependence a society maintains among its members† (Hofstede par. 5). It was thereby acknowledged that Japanese culture is more collectivists than individualists. In the scale that compares U.S. dimensions of culture with that of Japan, it was clearly apparent that the U.S. manifests predominance in individualism, with a score of 91 as compared to Japan’s 46. As such, the following characteristics were noted to manifest collectivism: U.S.’s 62. This is indicative of a society and culture that is â€Å"driven by competition, achievement and success, with success being defined by the winner / best in field – a value system that starts in school and continues throughout organizational behavior† (Hofstede par. 7). Likewise, according to DHerbais, et al., â€Å"the (almost) complete absence of expressed emotion, feelings and spontaneity during interactions dominates Japanese organizations. Respect for elders in Japanese Japan scored extremely high in uncertainty avoidance (92), indicating their aversion for uncertainty. Accordingly, it is reported that it takes a lot of time for Japanese to undertake new projects due to the need to be certain of all aspects and facets that influence them. As

Thursday, October 31, 2019

International Finance Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 4

International Finance - Essay Example The production cycle will remain running smoothly without experiencing any interruptions. The trend of futuristic deals is more prevalent and traditional in the market that works to sell and purchase financial instruments. The future contracts are more formal in nature and it is often considered unacceptable, if a party wants to break the contract or simply opt not to perform its contractual duties. The disadvantaged party reserves the right to take the matter into a court of law in response to the breach of a future contract (Moosa & Bhatti, 2009). The shares and bonds are purchased with the help of future contracts because it allows the purchaser to hedge against the possibility of higher price of the same instrument at a future date. The seller on the other hand tends to manage the risk of falling prices in the future by securing a deal in the present on a reasonable return rather than waiting for the actual market situation to emerge in the future (Pilbeam, 2010). Another interesting fact should be kept in mind that senior and experienced investors and businessmen do not enter into future contracts due to their formal nature but they tend to use options instead. The options are favored because of their informal nature and they can also be broken by paying modest mutually settled fees. In the case of future contracts, the ramifications of nonperformance are more severe in nature due to strict legality of the contract. Additionally, future contracts are entered by those investors and businessmen who do not want to take the pressure of facing market risks at a specific period of time and therefore, look and plan to safeguard their interests beforehand (Baillie & McMahon, 1989). The investors of abovementioned mindset safeguard their stance against rising prices but they also forego potential benefit that they may reap if the price of the instrument drops in

Monday, October 28, 2019

The words and actions vivid Essay Example for Free

The words and actions vivid Essay Some incidents in the play take place in the public streets, others in other private settings. Choose two incidents, one public and one private and show how the settings help to make the words and actions vivid The two incidents I have chosen to compare are act one scene one and act one scene two. I have chosen these two scenes because in both scenes it shows clearly which one is public and which is private. Act one scene one is set on a Sunday morning in the streets of Verona, which is a charming city in Italy, where Two Capulet servants enters into the scene. The two servants, Sampson and Gregory are wondering about in the streets, were bored and miserable with nothing to do. As they walked in the streets, They run into two montogue servants. Sampson bites his thumb at them. This is considered an insult to the Montague servants. Without their masters, the servants were cowards, but when the masters came a big riot commenced between the two families and the rest of the town. The riot got so bad the prince arrives reinforced, which builds up the tension dramatically and makes the scene a lot more vivid. The prince comes out with a fine speech that has a great impact on the servants and the streets. Here is a extract of the script clearly showing this If you ever disturb our streets again, your lives shall pay the forfeit of the peace. Within this line, the prince said that if another fight is made in public streets then there will be death as a consequence. The riot ends. The result of his speech was something he expected, silence. Another scene I will analyse is Act two scene 2. at the beginning of this scene Romeo begins to speak about his love for Juliet by saying that he pretended to love Rosaline: Arise, fair sun, and kill the envious moon, Who is already sick with pain and grief, That thou, her maid, art far more fair than she. At this point Romeo is talking poetically to himself, he is saying that Juliet is the sun and Rosaline is the moon. When Juliet came out to the balcony she did not know that Romeo was downstairs hearing her every word. When they talk they tease each other. At that moment the nurse calls breaking the flow of the conversation. Juliet makes a proposal of marriage to Romeo: If that thy bent of love be honourable, Thy propose marriage, send me word tomorrow, To conclude from this analysis I have found that in a public place a character can not be themselves as it is not the right place to express their intermit thoughts and feelings out into the open. It is only when a character is secluded from the rest of the world where they can express these feelings. So Shakespeare has made some characters vivid by using a setting that doesnt allow characters to express their feelings. This is so that the audience only gets a slight impression of the characters. I think that this is a really good way of making characters vivid.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

3D-finite Element Analysis of Beam Design

3D-finite Element Analysis of Beam Design Abstract: Any design and development activities involves in huge amount of time and money in bringing out the final product to the market, whilst functionality of the product being crucial under all scenarios without fail or malfunctioning over a period of time. Earlier design was carried out by the conventional methods from planning to final manufacturing of a components and the behavior of the product was understood only when it was not meeting its functionality. Recent developments in the above said area is vast, as this enables an engineer to study the behavior of a component/assembly, whist suggesting precautionary measures or a possible solution in validating the member thereby saves an organization time and effort. Thanks to the recent developments in the field of Stress analysis, along with the CAD packages, which actually enable us to visualize the component in 3D and analysis and design, validate it before it is actually released for manufacturing. Furthermore the robustness of CAE packages enables us to visualize the behavior of the component/assembly when it is actually put to work defining constrains under which it has to perform. Industries strongly rely on these packages to reduce the time and money involvement of a company and it is important for an Engineer to adapt the methods presented in this paper in the right approach so as to meet the design criteria which should be practical in nature. Introduction: This paper demonstrates the Design of a beam which has to be validated under several constrains/operating conditions, and understanding its behavior under these real time situations. Application of Stress methods using Solid Works Simulation package is demonstrated to understand the behavior of the beam. 3D Finite element analysis is one of the approaches in understanding the behavior of the load paths under different situations and with different boundary conditions. Several beam sections are validated to design the best beam under the given load conditions and the best beam based on several criteria are made, by demonstrating several plots. Hand/Theoretical calculations and results from Simulation are interpreted in order to study the behavior of the beam. Methods of this Stress Simulation and relevant steps are explained by plotting various plots like the Stress, Displacement and Factor of Safety by relevant comments at certain stages are done for the company to understand the process and design validation. Further it is important for the safety engineer to understand the usage of 3D finite element method so as to interpret the results and to make design changes before the component being put it function. Beam analysis: [Part 1] The figure below shows the beam on which the loads are acting at points P1, P2 and P3 of magnitude 18KN, 26KN and 20KN respectively. Beam 1 and 2 are bolted with pins through the two beams and the beam is supported at two locations. Analyzing the above situation, several considerations are needed in order to apply and analyze the situation. The above situation is a case of simply supported beams at either ends and loaded at the center. Design phase: The given sections are designed using Solid works package as per the dimensions provided. The cross-section of beams designed is plotted below. Consider the cross-section 1 for analysis. Below shows the cross-section 1 with dimensions being A= 0.3m, B=0.3m respectively. 3D element solid element type analysis using finite element method: Cross-section 1: [Beam with circular hole] As shown above the assembly is created using solid works as Solidworks.asm format and is meshed and analysis is carried out. Several steps are carried out like constrains, load conditions, assigning material are done in order to study the behavior of the assembly. Load points are defined at three locations as shown; either of the beams is connected by means of metal pads of 3mm thick with pins to support them. As we apply the loads at points P1, P2 and P3, simulation is carried out and a report on the desired results is obtained and are plotted below. Further to the design of the beam with relevant dimensions, simulation of the assembly is carried out using Solid works simulation. Several boundary conditions are implied, like the loads at the given locations, applying material, bolts at four locations and finally meshing the assembly to perform the analysis. Repeating the above procedure for rest of the cross-sections for design of beam, following plots will account for the values of Von-misses stress, displacement and factor of safety. Deflection Calculations: From the bending moment diagram, we observe that the maximum deflection occurs at the centre of the beam. The maximum load due to all the three loads can be found out. By using the Principle of Superposition, the deflection due to each load can be interpolated to the centre. Consider a load P acting on a beam AB at a distance of a from end A as shown in figure. The bending moment plot shown in figure above, shows a discontinuity at the point x=a. Solving for each of the lengths of the beam For length AD, (d2y /dx2) = (M/EI) = (Pbx/EIL) 1 Integrating equation 1, we get, y = (Pbx3/6EIL) For length DB, y = (Pax3/2EI) (Pax3/6EIL) + B1x + B2 To determine the four constants A1 and A2, two boundary conditions and two continuity conditions are used. For segment AD, y (0) = 0 = A2 For segment DB, y (L) = 0 = (PaL2/3EI) + B1L + B2 Equating the deflections and slope on both segments at x=a, and solving the four equations, we get, A1 = (Pb/6EIL) (L2 b2) A1 = 0 B1 = (Pa/6EIL) (2L2 + a2) B2 = (Pa3/6EI) Hence we get the following equation, for length AD y = (Pbx/6EIL) (x2 L2 + b2) . (2) Considering the load P1 = 18KN, the deflection at midpoint, we have, P = 18000N, x = 1.4m, b = 1.9m, L = 2.8m, E = 220 X 109N/m2. Substituting these values in equation (2), we get y = (2.9407 X 10-8) / I m Hence, below are the values For cross section 1: y1circle = 0.04523mm For cross section 2: y1oct = 0.0454mm For cross section 3: y1sqr = 0.0465mm For cross section 4: y1isect = 0.06022mm For segment AD, using the expressions obtained for B1 and B2 in the deflection equation, we get, y = (Pa/6EIL) [(x3/2) (x3/6L) {x (2L2 + a2)/6L} + (a2/6)] 2 Considering the load P2 = 20KN, deflection at mid point can be calculated using, P = 20000N, x = 1.4m, a = 1.7m, L = 2.8m, E = 220 X 109 N/m2. Substituting the above values in equation (2), the deflection at mid point D is found to be: y = (2.2074 X 10-8)/I m Hence, For cross section 1: y2circle = 0.03395mm For cross section 2: y2oct = 0.0341mm For cross section 3: y2sqr = 0.0349mm For cross section 4: y2isect = 0.0452mm Similarly, considering the load P3 = 26000N, deflection at mid point is, y = (54.0484 X 10-9)/I m Hence, For cross section 1: y3circle = 0.0831mm For cross section 2: y3oct = 0.0835mm For cross section 3: y3sqr = 0.0854mm For cross section 4: y3isect = 0.1107mm Total deflection is given by: y = y1 + y2 + y3 Hence, For cross section 1: y = 0.1622mm For cross section 2: y = 0.1630mm For cross section 3: y = 0.1668mm For cross section 4: y = 0.2161mm Factor of safety for the beams. Factor of safety is given by the formula: FOS = ?yield / ?max Given, yield stress of the material, ?yield = 650N/mm2 Using the above data, we get, For cross section 1: FOS = (650/8.6) = 75.58 For cross section 2: FOS = (650/8.64) = 75.23 For cross section 3: FOS = (650/8.84) = 73.53 For cross section 4: FOS = (650/11.46) = 56.72 By the above results, the cross section with the highest FOS can be chosen for designing the beam. Hence it can be recommended to choose the cross section with circular hole for final design. Part 2 The zone is red color is critical, means it has high stress and displacement. Hence clamping used will play a major role. From the plot, the maximum displacement at this location is 0.6511 mm, which is less than the customers expectations and hence the design is safe. As this displacement is almost 3.8 times of the specified value [2.5mm], no design changes or precautions would be needed. Therefore, Maximum displacement < Specified value. Part 3 Finite element method is one of the methods widely used and applied among the industries in the recent years and is used to study the behavior of the part by assigning various properties on to it. Method of simulation: Static studies in Solid works simulation calculate displacements, reaction forces, strains, stresses, failure criterion, factor of safety, and error estimates. Available loading conditions include point, line, surface, acceleration (volume) and thermal loads are available. Below criteria are important and are followed in this document so as to obtain values which are realistic in nature; The approach is done in three phases and are, Bottom up assembly-Phase 1 Defining load points-Phase 2 Simulation-Phase 3 Phase 1. Assembly of beams with relevant dimensions was done with fully defining the sketch geometry. Generating bosses with desired lengths and creating the profile as needed. Mates being defined between each parts using mate options in assembly mode. Phase 2. Split of 10mm was done at the top surface of the beam was done in order to imply point loads. Phase 3. Solid works simulation tool was used to access the simulation options. Steel was applied from the material database for all the components in the assembly. Connections were defined so as to make the assembly a rigid structure by defining the locations and this creates an effect of holding both the beams by means of bolts. Fixtures create an effect of holding the beam as required and are done at the either ends. Loads in terms of Newton were applied on to the points which were defined at phase 2. Mesh size was defined for the entire assembly and this inturn divides the geometry and several nodes are created for analysis. Finally the meshed model will provide us the study report, Von-misses stress, Factor of safety and Displacement of all the four cross-sections are obtained. Possible mistakes in simulation: It is up to the safety engineer in order to take extreme care before the analysis is performed so as to avoid the failure or inaccurate results during or before the simulation is actually performed. Mistakes should be avoided to the maximum extent while conducting simulation, as this might deviate the results and are not practical in nature and hence lead to misinterpretation. Some of them are listed below. Applying the material: This result in wrong stress and strain plots, displacement plots, Factor of safety, this inturn results in wrong load path distribution. Defining boundary conditions: Defining boundary conditions is crucial in terms of accurate results. Loadings should be done as per the real situation and unwanted assumptions have to be avoided. Generating mesh: Applying mesh is one of the important criteria as this procedure being the base on which the elements of the member or the beam is divided into several millions of individual pieces and are analyzed by applying degrees of freedom. Mesh size: Mesh size is important in order the material/component to take the load conditions. Larger mesh could result in small deflection and results may not be practical in nature. Clamping face: Wrong clamping face in simulation would completely alter the end result and this leads in wrong interpretation of the results obtained from the stress plot, displacement plots and Factor of safety. Mesh sizes and types: Solid works simulation currently includes solid continuum elements, curved surface shell elements (thin and thick) and truss and frame line elements. The shells are triangular with three vertex nodes or three vertex and three mid-edge nodes. Solids are tetrahedral with four vertex nodes or four vertex and six mid-edge nodes. They use linear and quadratic interpolation for the solution based on whether they have two or three nodes on an edge. The linear elements are also called simplex elements because their number of vertices is one more than the dimension of the space. The size of each element indicates a region where the solution is approximated by a spatial polynomial. Most finite element systems, including SW Simulation, use linear or quadratic complete polynomials in each element. You can tell by inspection which is being used by looking at an element edge. If that line has two nodes the polynomial is linear. If it has three nodes then the polynomial is quadratic. When the model is set for simulation, the program sub-divides the model into many tetrahedral small elements, these small points share a common point called as NODE. Below shows the small element where a common node is shared by curves, lines and edges. Difference between hand calculation and simulation: Few difference do exists between theoretical and hand calculations. Hand calculations: Hand calculations are often called as theoretical calculations, because of the fact that it does not take into consideration of several constrains could not be defined as we could do it in simulations. Material cannot be assigned in hand calculations. Mesh cannot be created for better and accurate result. Deflection, stress plot, displacement plots could not be visualized in hand calculations. Several assumptions might be required and thereby accounts in the deviation of the result from that of simulation. Hand calculations are based on the available formulae like from the design data hand book and are not different compared to simulation results. Result analysis like the animation of the result and high stress regions could not be obtained from hand calculations. Changes in boundary conditions would require repeating the procedure in hand calculations and time consuming process. Conclusion: Study of 3D-Finite element analysis of beam design assembly, address the capabilities of simulation. The idea of using the presented methods and techniques helps in optimizing the product before manufactured. This helps an industry in being changing their design at this stage based on the results obtained from simulation. Simple to complex parts/assemblies are simulated by this method, by defining several boundary conditions. The advancement in FEA area is vast, and has the capabilities of creating an environment of real time engineering situation and much finer results could also be obtained, as it provides options for finer mesh and hence more accurate the results. Finally this method of optimizing or validating the product at the initial level before design is done, has its own advantages, whilst it is worth understanding the customers requirement along with understanding the basic concepts of FEA makes a worth effort towards any engineering problem. Hence I strongly suggest for any organization to follow the process of FEA and get the full benefit of the same, as they could save time in the process of optimization of the product. References: Class tutorial. S Timo shenko and D H young. 5th Edition. Elements of strength of materials. Strength of materials by Bela I. Sandor. Solid works study material. Strength of materials by Ferdinand L. Singer and Andrew Pytel, 3rd Edition Strength of materials by Surya Patnaik and Dale Hopkins, Title: A new unified theory for the 21st century.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Effects of Segregation and Racism in Of Mice and Men Chapter 4 :: John Steinbeck

In the story, Crooks' home is, "a little shed that leaned off the wall of the barn." This suggests that he is isolated from the other men and treated like the animals he cares for and as such is made to live with them. Crooks' "bunk" was actually a long box filled with straw, which could further reinforce the fact that he is treated like an animal or it could show that he is poor and has low, if any social status. To say that Steinbeck seems to make his characters seem low and poor, Crooks seems to have a number of pleasant possessions, however, some are damaged but this could represent their amount of use. These include, "a single barreled shotgun" which suggests that he feels threatened and needs protection, although it could be a trophy from previous times in his past that he would like to remember. Also, he owns a "big alarm clock" which may show that he is punctual, ordered and that he requires being on time given the job but it may also show that because he is isolated from the other men, he relies less on others to awaken him in the mornings. ?A tattered dictionary? is another of his personal items, which could define his character as intelligent, but that he wants to be seen and it could be a way to prevent his constant loneliness from being a problem. Another piece of his home comes in the form of ?a mauled copy of the California civil code,? which can be used to represent his character?s intelligence plus that he reads to escape solitude, in addition to this point, as a coloured person in those times, Crooks? life must have been difficult, knowing his right as a person could aid in protection with which he needs. The last article in Crooks? inventory of significance would be his ?gold-rimmed spectacles,? which could enable him to see clearly, but may also allow him to view the world in a different perspective. The last point regarding Crooks? room may perhaps be seen as a relevant one, ?this room was swept and fairly neat?? could illustrate Crooks as a proud, aloof man. Finally, the fact that Crooks keeps his distance and demands that others keep theirs could again reinforce the point that he feels threatened and this would keep him protected. When Lennie enters the room, we learn more about the effects of isolation. Effects of Segregation and Racism in Of Mice and Men Chapter 4 :: John Steinbeck In the story, Crooks' home is, "a little shed that leaned off the wall of the barn." This suggests that he is isolated from the other men and treated like the animals he cares for and as such is made to live with them. Crooks' "bunk" was actually a long box filled with straw, which could further reinforce the fact that he is treated like an animal or it could show that he is poor and has low, if any social status. To say that Steinbeck seems to make his characters seem low and poor, Crooks seems to have a number of pleasant possessions, however, some are damaged but this could represent their amount of use. These include, "a single barreled shotgun" which suggests that he feels threatened and needs protection, although it could be a trophy from previous times in his past that he would like to remember. Also, he owns a "big alarm clock" which may show that he is punctual, ordered and that he requires being on time given the job but it may also show that because he is isolated from the other men, he relies less on others to awaken him in the mornings. ?A tattered dictionary? is another of his personal items, which could define his character as intelligent, but that he wants to be seen and it could be a way to prevent his constant loneliness from being a problem. Another piece of his home comes in the form of ?a mauled copy of the California civil code,? which can be used to represent his character?s intelligence plus that he reads to escape solitude, in addition to this point, as a coloured person in those times, Crooks? life must have been difficult, knowing his right as a person could aid in protection with which he needs. The last article in Crooks? inventory of significance would be his ?gold-rimmed spectacles,? which could enable him to see clearly, but may also allow him to view the world in a different perspective. The last point regarding Crooks? room may perhaps be seen as a relevant one, ?this room was swept and fairly neat?? could illustrate Crooks as a proud, aloof man. Finally, the fact that Crooks keeps his distance and demands that others keep theirs could again reinforce the point that he feels threatened and this would keep him protected. When Lennie enters the room, we learn more about the effects of isolation.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Principles of Time Management Essay

Time is one of the most difficult resources to manage. You can not take back what is already lost, you can not renew the times that you missed. Moreover, it is one of the measures that all men are created equal because everyone is just given 60 minutes in an hour and 24 hours a day. In our fast paced world where everything seems to run ahead of you and you just have to chase time after time to accomplish things, you need a real good time management. Ecclesiastes chapter 3 in the Bible talks about time for everything. â€Å"There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under heaven,† states in the first verse. This chapter alone teaches or urges people to set a time for everything to better manage time. There are a lot time management principles that we can suggest to a person however, it would be up to the individual to make the principles work. Dr. Jan Yager (1999) outlined seven principles in the book â€Å"The 7 Principles of Creative Time Management.† These include: Being active not reactive, setting goals, prioritizing actions, keeping focus, creating realistic deadlines, doing it NOW and balancing life. The D-O-I-T-N-O-W Principle states the following: Divide and conquer what you have to do. Break big tasks into little tasks and give each part of that task a realistic deadline. Organize your materials, how you will do it. Ignore interruptions that are annoying distractions Take the time to learn how to do things yourself. Now, not tomorrow. Don’t procrastinate. Opportunity is knocking. Take advantage of opportunities. Watch out for time gobblers. Keep track of, and in control of, how much time you spend on the Internet, reading and sending e-mails, watching TV, or talking on the phone. Before you know how to manage your time, you should first know what time is it. It is not telling the time in your watch but knowing the right thing to do at the right and proper time. However, you should also get a sense of time by tracking your watch. You can take control of your whole day if you know what time it is and what you should be doing on those times. Other than you good watch, you should still use other tool. One of which is a planner. Sometimes you can not memorize everything that you need to do in a day or in a week. Sometimes, you can not know if you have already done one job if you do have your list and you may result in doing it again; thus wasting your time. Grab a planner and make you checklist for the day. A planner use wisely will help you keep track your activities and help you evaluate regarding having balance. When you keep track on all your activities, you have a way to evaluate throughout the week and make it better if necessary. If you have the tools above and you still have the problem in managing your time, you need to identify the problem. Do you procrastinate? Do you always entertain interruption and waste your time in unproductive work?   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Time management may be difficult but as the Bible says, make time for everything. Do not focus on how to manage