Monday, September 30, 2019

What is Freedom? Essay

Freedom is something that is viewed in many ways. Freedom can be something you earn, something you experience, or it can be something you think. People long ago had to work very hard for their freedom. Slavery was one of the times that freedom was given to nobody, and played a major role in the United States history. Slavery began around 1619, when the first African slaves were brought to the United States, they were workers without rights. (Slavery in America, 2014) They were told that if they worked for seven years, they would earn land and freedom. Abraham Lincoln once said, â€Å"Those who deny freedom to others deserve it not for themselves.† (Lincoln) In 1641 slavery was legalized, and the U.S. was against itself. In 1660 King Charles II established the Royals African Company, calling them black gold, where more African Americans had their freedom taken away. In 1860 more than a million African Americans were taken from their homes and sold off. By 1865 slavery was final ly abolished and they had their freedom to read and write, and their behavior and movement was no longer restricted. Freedom is based off your view and thought of the value it has to you, no one definition can relate to everything that freedom can mean. According to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary, freedom is â€Å"the quality of being free† but what exactly does that mean? Does it mean you can do whatever you wish? Or does it mean everything you need is free? Jim Morrison once said, â€Å"The most important kind of freedom is to be what you really are. You trade in your reality for a role. You trade in your sense for an act. You give up your ability to feel, and in exchange, put on a mask. There can’t be any large-scale revolution until there’s a personal revolution, on an individual level. It’s got to happen inside first.† (Morrison) Freedom within yourself can be to accept you for who you are, not be restricted on what you can do with yourself, let your imagination be free and soar outside the limits. Let your thoughts go where they wish and keep your mind set. Don Miguel Ruiz wrote in his book The Mastery of Love, â€Å"If you spend too much time judging yourself, you won’t have any time to love yourself or anyone else.† I believe this quote relates to freedom because like I said before, you need to let your mind be free to be able to live with freedom. Along with having internal freedom, you can experience and be rewarded with freedom. Experiencing freedom is not something everyone has. As a young kid, my parents always told me â€Å"Once you lose our trust it’s hard to gain it back.† And with this always being said to you, you learned to respect the freedom that you received, and wait until you are rewarded with more. As you get older and learn to drive you are given a whole new type of freedom. There are no words to explain the type of freedom you experience, and no emotion that is any greater. Someone once said â€Å"Never drive faster than your guardian angel can fly.† (teenage drivers, 1998- 2014) And this saying means to respect what freedom you have because some people have less and would give anything for your freedom. So what exactly is freedom? Well, Bubr (Bubr is someone who chose not to give their real name) once said start with the possibility to do whatever you want. You may want to share your freedom with other people, right? Then accept the fact that other people doing whatever they want are limiting your own freedom. Then, you come to the conclusion that you may not have freedom at all, if the freedom is a measure of the length of a leash. (Bubr) But, many other people have different views of freedom and it is not just what laws limit you too. Jarod Kintz said â€Å"Nothing, Everything, Anything, Something: If you have nothing, then you have everything, because you have the freedom to do anything, without the fear of losing something.† Freedom is not limited to just one person’s idea of it, their experiences, feelings, thoughts, and love towards freedom. â€Å"Freedom is the right to live as we wish. Nothing else.† (Epictetus, 2001-2014) It is not being limited with your rights and not being restricted with reading, writing, behavior and movement. It is not constantly being told what to do and limiting your mind to please others, first give yourself freedom then help others with theirs.

I Do Not Believe in Ghosts

I do not believe in ghosts When I was little I lived in a house that was haunted. Wait don’t go! I know, I know, this subject is tired. The thing is I don’t even believe in ghosts. At least that is what I tell myself now, but back then I’m telling you that house was haunted. We moved there when I was in first grade and the first time I saw it, I started crying. Something about the house just seemed wrong. It was â€Å"pretty†, but it gave me a really ugly feeling.All sorts of weird, creepy, and inexplicable things would happen there. We had three dogs when we lived there, two of them ran away, and one went crazy and couldn’t live with us anymore. We had rabbits and they all died. We stopped getting pets. The toilet would flush itself. Once, I was talking back to my mom and she told me to stop or God would punish me and I said something along the lines of â€Å"yeah, right† and then the ground shook. I kid you not there was an earthquake, but no one except my mother and I felt it.Apparently, only our house shook. Another time, my brother who was an infant at the time was in his bassinet under a lamp that was hanging from the ceiling. I looked at my mother and told her she shouldn’t put him there because that lamp was going to fall on him. I walked over and moved the bassinet and as soon as I moved him the lamp fell. Crazy! It makes no sense to me that I have such clear memories of this house that was seemingly possessed and yet, I do not believe in ghosts. Do you?

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Applied Assignment: Self-Managed Work Teams

Identify and discuss the four most common forms of work teams. Give an example of each and what they do Problem solving teams: This type of team is composed of five to twelve employees. They meet weekly to focus on improvement, whether it is in quality, efficiency, or the work environment. An example of this could be all department heads in a firm that meet on a weekly basis to exchange ideas on how to improve productivity.However, they only make suggestions to the higher-ups, who will then be the one to implement their ideas. Self-Managed work teams: A self-managed team is a group of employees that take the responsibility of a supervisor. Different from the problem solving teams, In that they are the ones that come up with the ideas and are also the ones to Implement them into the work place. They often chose their own members and evaluate each other with in the group.This type of group has not always shown to be positive. In one study It showed higher absenteeism and higher turnove r rates. They have also shown to lack In conflict resolution with in the work place. An example of this type of group could be, student workers in an apartment complex that are hired without a â€Å"manager in place to maintain their schedules and the way they organize their office. They are given a goal or an objective and together they decide how to reach that goal or objective.Cross- Functional teams: This team is composed of employees at a similar hierarchical level that come together to come up with innovative ideas. A cross-functional team is good to come up with new products or new ideas, because having employees from different apartments allows many points of view to be expressed about the success or Implementation of the Idea or product. An example might be the coordination of the marketing department, the accounting department, and the production department, meeting to come up with a new marketing campaign.This way the accounting department can express monetary restrictio n, the marketing department can show its ideas, and the production department can provided input on how much increase in production it can handle. Virtual teams: These teams are comprised of members that are not geographically close but use genealogy to communicate and achieve a common goal. These teams sometimes suffer from lack of social rapport and direct interaction among members. They also tend to share less information, because of that, low levels of virtually in teams results In higher levels of information sharing, but high levels of virtually hinder It.For these teams to work they need to be monitor to make sure that; trust Is established among members, team progress Is monitored closely, and the efforts and products are publicized throughout the organization. An example of this could be, an international company that has members work together to create a universal What are defensive behaviors? Provide three examples of defensive behaviors and explain why an employee would engage in the behavior. Defensive behaviors are reactive and protective behaviors to avoid action, blame, and change.The defensive behaviors of avoiding action include, over conforming, buck passing, playing dumb, stretching, and stalling, The defensive behaviors avoiding blame include, buffing, playing safe, Justifying, scapegoat, and misrepresenting. The defensive behaviors to avoid change are, prevention and self-protection. Defensive behaviors seem to employees to be the way to protect their self-interests, however over time it wears them down. Eventually they know this as the only way to behave and begin to lose trust in other employees, bosses, and even clients.An example of behavior to avoid action, stretching, includes prolonging the progress or the start of an assignment. For example an employee is given the task of creating a proposal that would normally only take a couple of days, they appear to be occupied n other things and take a week to complete. An employee might do this if they do not agree with the idea or process they are producing the proposal for, or if they do not agree with the supervisor's way of asking for the task to be completed.One of the ways a defensive behavior is displayed to avoid blame is scapegoat. This is blaming a negative result on external factors that re not entirely blameworthy. They might take the icy weather for not being able to complete a report. While the weather may have hinder their productivity, most likely one day of bad weather should not eve been the reason that more work was not put into it prior to the bad weather or after the bad weather to still insure that the project was completed on time.To avoid change some employees will act in a way to prevent the action from happening. Maybe the boss is implementing a new computing system that could replace one of the employees. In order prevent it, an employee may act defensively and provide reason after reason why this will not work. They may also act as if they are having a lot of difficulty with the new program to make it seem that the program is hard to use.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Recession in the United Kingdom Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Recession in the United Kingdom - Essay Example The causes of the recession in general cannot be determined but the onus falls on the administration and the financial system of the economy. (Recession, n.d.) The recession in the latter half of 2000 was severe and the effects were visible in various economies of the world. The focal point of the recession of the 2008-09 was on the USA and it soon spread to the different corners of the globe. The main reason for the recession can be attributed to the housing sector of the USA and the inability of the financial system of the USA to tackle the problem. The components of the financial system like the banks and the financial companies were many ways responsible for the origin of the recession. USA, being one of the financial epicenters of the world, had a control over the global financial system. Therefore, the effects of the recession were visible in many parts of the world and the companies were cutting their manpower to cut the costs. The global economy suffered and the Governments o f the various countries had to take severe measures to counter the effects of the recession. UK being another nerve center of the global financial world faced the severe effects of recession. Another cause for the recession in the UK was that the economy of the country was dependent on the economy of the US and after the globalization of the economy companies of the other countries started to function in the UK. The Government had to put some efforts and it had to renew the policies to control the effects of the recession. The paper will explore the issue recession in the UK with special emphasis on the impact of measures undertaken by the government to tackle the recession. As discussed in the earlier part the origin of the global recession was the USA and the reasons for the recession can be attributed to the failures of the banks and the financial companies. The sector, which contributed to the

Thursday, September 26, 2019

A better a Life by Chris Weitz Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

A better a Life by Chris Weitz - Essay Example Carlos is in such a situation and he reveals his fears to his employer, Blasco who wants to return to Mexico after making enough money. Undocumented workers have no guarantee that they will be hired to work without licensing and insurance as Carlos is unsure if he will get any employment after Blasco leaves for Mexico and has to take the risk of purchasing Blasco’s truck to be his own employer and take on Blasco’s business. The only choice that is available for undocumented workers in the United States is to work as a hired hand and ensure they are invisible if they are to survive the debilitating conditions as undocumented workers.  There is no certainty in the lives of undocumented workers as to the presence of work compared to documented workers who have access to monthly jobs and pension schemes, as well as health insurance. This is well illustrated when Blasco drops Carlos after a day’s work and informs him that there will be no work the next day. The othe r episode that exposes this sad reality in the lives of undocumented workers is where workers congregate to be picked up for work and some immigrate may not have the chance of getting work as depicted by Santiago an Carlos at the end of the day. The other portrayal of undocumented workers is that they have to play certain roles in the community that are despised including lawn mowing as done by Carlos, park cars, washing dishes, and man tables in hotels.     Undocumented workers are faced with financial challenges and have to work even on Sundays to make ends meet.

INTELLIGENCE Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

INTELLIGENCE - Essay Example However, the legislations pending offers CIA director with ways of prohibiting its Inspector General from handling the matters when reviewing poses a threat in the security of the nation and that is a risky loophole. Other bills that were recently introduced also have useful provisions. A single bill required that the committees of intelligence be provided prior notice for covert actionsi. It highlighted that in certain specific cases where time is important and the head of state determines the actions is crucial to the interest of national security of the US, the president may spearhead a covert operation with no notice. But when in those scenarios the president need to notify the panel within 48 hours, and the bill will prohibit the funds expenditure when actions are necessary but needed that record be made and that the outcomes be confined to the writing within 2 days. Additionally, the prohibited finding to incorporate requests from the US 1 Government to other nations or private members to carry out the covert action on behalf of the nation. Consequently, the expanded current reporting needs regarding the transfer of covert to include the transfer reporting within one financial year of the collection of items worth a million dollars or more. The provisions do not incorporate other attempts in legislating the fidelity or iigood judgment to the law. Rather, they are confined in practical consideration. Meaning they are important to making the proper foreign policy and the efficient functioning of the nation. A conventional theory of the rules and guidelines is that the policies formed through the democratic process and consultations are normally better than those developed through other mechanisms. The analysis is based in the balancing questioniii. The nation needs to balance the implication that may arise from disclosing the secret against and

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

E-marketing Communications Plan for IBB Assignment

E-marketing Communications Plan for IBB - Assignment Example Hence, if we work through this new channel, it can make our work far faster and better than it used to be. Many Companies have moved away from big advertising expenditures that used to be a huge part of their marketing programs and have instead poured money into less expensive PR/Social Media programs. This digital media enabled the long-term partnership with consumers and also provided cost-effective solutions. Companies switching to new media are the latest trend and respond to the need of the market since most consumers prefer online channels these days. Indeed, online media are gaining popularity and consumers easily trust them. Today, content is created, consumed, commented on, collaborated over and circulated at an ever-accelerating pace through the social media, search engines, and digital content. Companies have to move quickly to identify, learn from and engage in conversations that are related to their brands. They need to communicate using channels preferred by an increasi ngly selective audience. So, it has been decided to launch a full flash digital marketing campaign using different mediums. I will closely work with digital marketing agencies to ensure media relations campaigns dovetail with blogger relations and other social media PR strategies, as well as wider marketing and communications initiatives. We work â€Å"with our clients to identify and track the most influential and relevant industry analysts and work out strategies for engaging with them. â€Å" ( For a new website launch, we will work for reputation management strategies, as well as communications services that meet our goals and objectives. We will take the time to understand our unique culture and challenges, which will help us come up with marketing strategies that will give us ultimate success. We will get the services of those agencies which specialize in helping clients build corporate visibility through high-profile media relations. We will also engage several crisis management experts, experienced in handling communications around a wide range of issues. During a campaign, the nationwide network of highly experienced social media mavens will target both consumers and influences. The services that we will explore include research, a brand category identification, message composition, ID maintenance, campaign development, execution and reporting. Methodology Since the world economy is influenced by globalization processes, the total business environment has dramatically changed of late. Competition is no more limited to a single market place, it has also expanded internationally. The technological advancement today creates competitive advantages in every industry and sector. Importantly, digital marketing is on boom and many businesses are shifting their budget to this new form of marketing. Before working on any report, it is vitally important to do a research. In particular, researchers have to ens ure they understand the topic right, and then they need to gather data and craft it in a fine report, which should be understandable in the context of its target market. In other words, researchers carry out a research and transform the facts that they have obtained in a sequence, so that readers can easily understand the idea and the situation described in the report.  

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Case Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1

Case Analysis - Essay Example Yale University determined in a recent study that incidences of weight discrimination rivals race discrimination (the top charge filed with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission each year), and that women are twice as likely to be discriminated against as are men, and several such claims have been successfully pursued in court. Although federal employment laws and state laws, save Michigan, do not explicitly prohibit weight discrimination, there are however circumstances wherein discriminating according to weight falls under the coverage of the Americans with Disabilities Act (Personnel Legal Alert, 2008). The following are among the circumstances wherein discrimination claims may result based on obesity as a protected characteristic under this Act: In the case of Dr. Soysa, we are not given any information about the possible conditions attendant to her obesity, but for the purpose of avoiding litigation, it would be safer to assume that diabetes, heart disease or hypertension may be present. In this case, the Hospital, as employer, may not use her obesity as reason for forgoing awarding her the promotion. There are two pieces of legislation that have to do with discriminating according to age. The Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967 (ADEA) applies to employees 40 years of age or older, working for employers of 20 or more employees (EEOC, 2008). The Age Discrimination Act of 1975 prohibits discrimination on the basis of age in programs and activities receiving federal financial assistance. The Act applies to all ages (DOL, 2010). The ADEA is clearly not applicable here because Dr. Soysa is not being discriminated because she is too old (40 or above), but because she was supposedly â€Å"too young†. And unless the hospital falls under â€Å"programs and activities receiving federal financial assistance†, not

Monday, September 23, 2019

History of Drug Testing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

History of Drug Testing - Essay Example To start with, the war against use of illicit drugs began in the ancient times of civilization and passed on from one generation to another. According to the Drug Policy Alliance, the first anti-opium laws formulated in the 1870s showing that even in the early days, governments were concerned on the welfare of citizens (1). The regulatory authorities took the responsibility of ensuring that the prevalence and use of illicit drugs was minimized among the citizens. However, it is during the reign of President Nixon that war against illicit drugs in the U.S. heightened. President Nixon increased the war against drugs by increasing and expanding the federal drug control agencies (The Drug Policy Alliance [DPA] 1). Subsequent American presidents also advocated for the war against drugs. For example, President George W. Bush allocated more money than ever to the war against drugs and further introduced drug testing to students (DPA 1). Because of government efforts in the fight against illicit drugs, drug testing became popular and various testing techniques introduced to facilitate the work of anti-drug agencies. One of the significant drug test technique introduced is the Marquis test. Marquis test is a simple and cost effective technique used to test for the presence of psychoactive drugs and further determine the chemical content (Erowid 1). The technique is effective because it distinguishes between â€Å"amphetamine and its ring substituted analogues† (United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime 18). The Marquis test is used by the law enforcement agencies to detect the presence of drugs on suspected criminals easily because it offers immediate results through color changes. Considering the mechanism of operation, Marquis Test utilizes the Marquis Reagent which is a chemical mixture made up of sulfuric acid and formaldehyde (Erowid 1). The Marquis Reagent, used to make ecstasy-testing kits, produces the results through

Sunday, September 22, 2019

The Truth Is in the Kowledge Essay Example for Free

The Truth Is in the Kowledge Essay Abstract â€Å"All truths are easy to understand once they are discovered; the point is to discover them. † Truth is education, but a person could never find the truth without being enlightened. The truth is the easiest thing to find, but many people do not care to find it. Most are more comfortable with the truth or afraid of what actually might be true. However, if they would just be optimistic and fearless they might actually experience and learn more. Anyone can find, learn, and appreciate almost anything that can be taught. And when a person can truly experience any one thing they become enlightened. Not only can this person share his experience but he can also spread the knowledge of what he had learned. Sometimes it is important to examine all possibilities because the amount you can learn can have huge impact on your life. In Mark Twain’s â€Å"Advice to Youths† and Plato’s â€Å"The Allegory of the Caves,† both authors portray that enlightening and experiencing are the two most important aspects of finding the truth. The Truth is in the Knowledge. First of all, as a child, you can find more truths simply just listening to your parents then you could if you just ignore them. The amount of respect and trust you show your parents is directly related to the amount of freedoms and trust they give back to a child. The more a child can show they can listen and learn the more their parents enable them to broaden their experiences. [In Advice to Youth, Twain states, â€Å"Most parents think they know better than you do, and you can generally make more by humoring them that superstition then you can by acting on your own judgment †] Just because you do what your parents tell you, doesn’t mean you need to believe what they’re saying. Just watch your mouth while listening, and still form your opinion down the road. That way your parents will be happy, and still think they know more. While you can still be enlightened more later on down the road. Only one thing can even compare in importance to the truth, and that is a lie. Everyone sees lying as a bad thing, but it is a very important part of life. Every aspect of lie is important; they all have an impact on the outcome in the end. [In Advice to Youth, Twain says, â€Å"Now as to the matter of lying. You want to be very careful about lying; otherwise you’re nearly sure to get caught. †] Once someone catches you in a lie; your relationship changes for the rest of your life. Some might have the tolerance to forgive but they still will have lost faith in you as person. That is why Mark Twain is saying how important lying is in finding the truth in life. You must experience both sides of lies, and learn from them. You never know what a lie might cost you. A person can have a horrible experience the worst time in their life, but as long as they pick themselves up and learn from it; one achieves the best possible outcome from their situation. When someone is down it is pretty hard to cheer them up. You should help them realize they built character and knowledge from it, and the result is a stronger person. [In The Allegory of the Cave, Plato writes, â€Å"Build your character thoughtfully and painstakingly upon these precepts, and by and by, when you have got it built, you will be surprised and gratified to see how nicely and sharply it resembles everyone else’s. †] Sometimes a person cannot help what happens in their life. That is why a lot of people look at you differently as person after you react to controversy. Some would go as far as saying that helps build character and also shows toughness. The more a person is able to experience in life; the more enlightened and knowledgeable they become. First hand experiences are the easiest, and more often than not, the most effective way to educate. There is no better way to start building memory then hands on activities with whichever subject you want to learn about. [Plato also states, â€Å"Last of all he will be able to see the sun and not mere reflections of him in the water, but he will see him in the water, but he will see him in his own proper place, and not another; and he will contemplate him as he is. †] You cannot send someone out to do a job they’ve never done before. You will end up with a mess, which is why experience is just as important as learning anything. It is also why experiencing is just as important to truth as anything else. In closing, both Twain and Plato were saying that you need to learn if you want to find the truth about anything. And when they mean learn they are talking about every single thing around someone. You can simply enjoy life more by broadening skills and learning about things near and far. It is more important to find the truth rather than being scared or avoiding it. The truth can be something bad but you’ll never come out on the positive end of it if you don’t learn from it. Not everything is wrong just because everyone says that it is. A person needs to experience to find the truth and form their own opinion.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Impact of Plessy v. Ferguson (1896)

Impact of Plessy v. Ferguson (1896) Plessy v. Ferguson (1896) was a historic point sacred law instance of the US Supreme Court. It maintained state racial segregation laws for open offices under the tenet of Separate but equal. Separate but equal stayed standard teaching in U.S. law until its disavowal in the 1954 Supreme Court choice Brown v. Board of Education. After the Supreme Court administering, the New Orleans Committee of Citizens, which had brought the suit and had orchestrated Homer Plessys capture in the act of crime to test Louisianas segregation law, expressed, We, as freemen, still believe that we were correct and our cause is sacred. The choice was passed on by a vote of 7 to 1 with the dominant part feeling composed by Justice Henry Billings Brown and the dissent composed by Justice John Marshall Harlan.   Ã‚   In summary of the Opinion of the Court, Justice Brown proclaimed, We consider the underlying fallacy of the plaintiffs argument to consist in the assumption that the enforced separation of the two races stamps the colored race with a badge of inferiority. If this be so, it is not because of anything found in the act, but solely because the colored race chooses to put that construction upon it. Justice Brown additionally referred to a Boston case maintaining segregation based schools. While the Court did not discover a distinction in quality between the whites-just and blacks-just railroad trains, this was plainly untrue because most other separate offices, for example, open toilets, bistros, and government funded schools, where the offices assigned for blacks were reliably of lesser quality than those for whites. Justice John Marshall Harlan disagreed from the larger part sentiment. In an assessment that later got to be distinctly vital in the Brown v. Board of Education cases (1954), he contended that segregationist enactment, like the Louisiana law for this situation, depended on the presumption that colored residents are so second-class and debased that they cant be permitted to sit in public coaches involved by white individuals. These laws advanced and sustained the conviction that African Americans were mediocre compared to whites, as per Justice Harlan. They should be struck down, he contended, since the legislature proved unable allow the seeds of race hate to be planted under the authority of the law. Justice Harlan trusted that the constitution must be colorblind, and that it could permit no superior, overwhelming decision class of citizens. Because segregation had the impact of making such classes, he judged, it was unlawful. Plessy addressed the state laws setting up racial segregation in the South and gave a driving force to further segregation laws. It additionally addresses laws in the North requiring racial segregation as in the Boston school segregation case noted by Justice Brown as he would see it. Administrative achievements won amid the Reconstruction Era were eradicated through methods for the separate but equal teaching. The regulation had been fortified likewise by a 1875 Supreme Court choice that restricted the central governments capacity to mediate in state undertakings, ensuring to Congress just the power to control states from demonstrations of racial separation and segregation. The decision essentially allowed states administrative resistance when managing inquiries of race, ensuring the states entitlement to execute racially isolate foundations, requiring them just to be equal. I believe this was the correct choice made by the Supreme Court, since this case prompted Martin Luther King Jrs. development for equality, unity, safety and well-being for all individuals in the United States, and Brown v. Leading group of instruction, permitting colored and white students to reside in the same schools. Railroad car for whites vs colored: Justice Harlan The Great Dissenter: Sources used: