Thursday, October 31, 2019

International Finance Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 4

International Finance - Essay Example The production cycle will remain running smoothly without experiencing any interruptions. The trend of futuristic deals is more prevalent and traditional in the market that works to sell and purchase financial instruments. The future contracts are more formal in nature and it is often considered unacceptable, if a party wants to break the contract or simply opt not to perform its contractual duties. The disadvantaged party reserves the right to take the matter into a court of law in response to the breach of a future contract (Moosa & Bhatti, 2009). The shares and bonds are purchased with the help of future contracts because it allows the purchaser to hedge against the possibility of higher price of the same instrument at a future date. The seller on the other hand tends to manage the risk of falling prices in the future by securing a deal in the present on a reasonable return rather than waiting for the actual market situation to emerge in the future (Pilbeam, 2010). Another interesting fact should be kept in mind that senior and experienced investors and businessmen do not enter into future contracts due to their formal nature but they tend to use options instead. The options are favored because of their informal nature and they can also be broken by paying modest mutually settled fees. In the case of future contracts, the ramifications of nonperformance are more severe in nature due to strict legality of the contract. Additionally, future contracts are entered by those investors and businessmen who do not want to take the pressure of facing market risks at a specific period of time and therefore, look and plan to safeguard their interests beforehand (Baillie & McMahon, 1989). The investors of abovementioned mindset safeguard their stance against rising prices but they also forego potential benefit that they may reap if the price of the instrument drops in

Monday, October 28, 2019

The words and actions vivid Essay Example for Free

The words and actions vivid Essay Some incidents in the play take place in the public streets, others in other private settings. Choose two incidents, one public and one private and show how the settings help to make the words and actions vivid The two incidents I have chosen to compare are act one scene one and act one scene two. I have chosen these two scenes because in both scenes it shows clearly which one is public and which is private. Act one scene one is set on a Sunday morning in the streets of Verona, which is a charming city in Italy, where Two Capulet servants enters into the scene. The two servants, Sampson and Gregory are wondering about in the streets, were bored and miserable with nothing to do. As they walked in the streets, They run into two montogue servants. Sampson bites his thumb at them. This is considered an insult to the Montague servants. Without their masters, the servants were cowards, but when the masters came a big riot commenced between the two families and the rest of the town. The riot got so bad the prince arrives reinforced, which builds up the tension dramatically and makes the scene a lot more vivid. The prince comes out with a fine speech that has a great impact on the servants and the streets. Here is a extract of the script clearly showing this If you ever disturb our streets again, your lives shall pay the forfeit of the peace. Within this line, the prince said that if another fight is made in public streets then there will be death as a consequence. The riot ends. The result of his speech was something he expected, silence. Another scene I will analyse is Act two scene 2. at the beginning of this scene Romeo begins to speak about his love for Juliet by saying that he pretended to love Rosaline: Arise, fair sun, and kill the envious moon, Who is already sick with pain and grief, That thou, her maid, art far more fair than she. At this point Romeo is talking poetically to himself, he is saying that Juliet is the sun and Rosaline is the moon. When Juliet came out to the balcony she did not know that Romeo was downstairs hearing her every word. When they talk they tease each other. At that moment the nurse calls breaking the flow of the conversation. Juliet makes a proposal of marriage to Romeo: If that thy bent of love be honourable, Thy propose marriage, send me word tomorrow, To conclude from this analysis I have found that in a public place a character can not be themselves as it is not the right place to express their intermit thoughts and feelings out into the open. It is only when a character is secluded from the rest of the world where they can express these feelings. So Shakespeare has made some characters vivid by using a setting that doesnt allow characters to express their feelings. This is so that the audience only gets a slight impression of the characters. I think that this is a really good way of making characters vivid.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

3D-finite Element Analysis of Beam Design

3D-finite Element Analysis of Beam Design Abstract: Any design and development activities involves in huge amount of time and money in bringing out the final product to the market, whilst functionality of the product being crucial under all scenarios without fail or malfunctioning over a period of time. Earlier design was carried out by the conventional methods from planning to final manufacturing of a components and the behavior of the product was understood only when it was not meeting its functionality. Recent developments in the above said area is vast, as this enables an engineer to study the behavior of a component/assembly, whist suggesting precautionary measures or a possible solution in validating the member thereby saves an organization time and effort. Thanks to the recent developments in the field of Stress analysis, along with the CAD packages, which actually enable us to visualize the component in 3D and analysis and design, validate it before it is actually released for manufacturing. Furthermore the robustness of CAE packages enables us to visualize the behavior of the component/assembly when it is actually put to work defining constrains under which it has to perform. Industries strongly rely on these packages to reduce the time and money involvement of a company and it is important for an Engineer to adapt the methods presented in this paper in the right approach so as to meet the design criteria which should be practical in nature. Introduction: This paper demonstrates the Design of a beam which has to be validated under several constrains/operating conditions, and understanding its behavior under these real time situations. Application of Stress methods using Solid Works Simulation package is demonstrated to understand the behavior of the beam. 3D Finite element analysis is one of the approaches in understanding the behavior of the load paths under different situations and with different boundary conditions. Several beam sections are validated to design the best beam under the given load conditions and the best beam based on several criteria are made, by demonstrating several plots. Hand/Theoretical calculations and results from Simulation are interpreted in order to study the behavior of the beam. Methods of this Stress Simulation and relevant steps are explained by plotting various plots like the Stress, Displacement and Factor of Safety by relevant comments at certain stages are done for the company to understand the process and design validation. Further it is important for the safety engineer to understand the usage of 3D finite element method so as to interpret the results and to make design changes before the component being put it function. Beam analysis: [Part 1] The figure below shows the beam on which the loads are acting at points P1, P2 and P3 of magnitude 18KN, 26KN and 20KN respectively. Beam 1 and 2 are bolted with pins through the two beams and the beam is supported at two locations. Analyzing the above situation, several considerations are needed in order to apply and analyze the situation. The above situation is a case of simply supported beams at either ends and loaded at the center. Design phase: The given sections are designed using Solid works package as per the dimensions provided. The cross-section of beams designed is plotted below. Consider the cross-section 1 for analysis. Below shows the cross-section 1 with dimensions being A= 0.3m, B=0.3m respectively. 3D element solid element type analysis using finite element method: Cross-section 1: [Beam with circular hole] As shown above the assembly is created using solid works as Solidworks.asm format and is meshed and analysis is carried out. Several steps are carried out like constrains, load conditions, assigning material are done in order to study the behavior of the assembly. Load points are defined at three locations as shown; either of the beams is connected by means of metal pads of 3mm thick with pins to support them. As we apply the loads at points P1, P2 and P3, simulation is carried out and a report on the desired results is obtained and are plotted below. Further to the design of the beam with relevant dimensions, simulation of the assembly is carried out using Solid works simulation. Several boundary conditions are implied, like the loads at the given locations, applying material, bolts at four locations and finally meshing the assembly to perform the analysis. Repeating the above procedure for rest of the cross-sections for design of beam, following plots will account for the values of Von-misses stress, displacement and factor of safety. Deflection Calculations: From the bending moment diagram, we observe that the maximum deflection occurs at the centre of the beam. The maximum load due to all the three loads can be found out. By using the Principle of Superposition, the deflection due to each load can be interpolated to the centre. Consider a load P acting on a beam AB at a distance of a from end A as shown in figure. The bending moment plot shown in figure above, shows a discontinuity at the point x=a. Solving for each of the lengths of the beam For length AD, (d2y /dx2) = (M/EI) = (Pbx/EIL) 1 Integrating equation 1, we get, y = (Pbx3/6EIL) For length DB, y = (Pax3/2EI) (Pax3/6EIL) + B1x + B2 To determine the four constants A1 and A2, two boundary conditions and two continuity conditions are used. For segment AD, y (0) = 0 = A2 For segment DB, y (L) = 0 = (PaL2/3EI) + B1L + B2 Equating the deflections and slope on both segments at x=a, and solving the four equations, we get, A1 = (Pb/6EIL) (L2 b2) A1 = 0 B1 = (Pa/6EIL) (2L2 + a2) B2 = (Pa3/6EI) Hence we get the following equation, for length AD y = (Pbx/6EIL) (x2 L2 + b2) . (2) Considering the load P1 = 18KN, the deflection at midpoint, we have, P = 18000N, x = 1.4m, b = 1.9m, L = 2.8m, E = 220 X 109N/m2. Substituting these values in equation (2), we get y = (2.9407 X 10-8) / I m Hence, below are the values For cross section 1: y1circle = 0.04523mm For cross section 2: y1oct = 0.0454mm For cross section 3: y1sqr = 0.0465mm For cross section 4: y1isect = 0.06022mm For segment AD, using the expressions obtained for B1 and B2 in the deflection equation, we get, y = (Pa/6EIL) [(x3/2) (x3/6L) {x (2L2 + a2)/6L} + (a2/6)] 2 Considering the load P2 = 20KN, deflection at mid point can be calculated using, P = 20000N, x = 1.4m, a = 1.7m, L = 2.8m, E = 220 X 109 N/m2. Substituting the above values in equation (2), the deflection at mid point D is found to be: y = (2.2074 X 10-8)/I m Hence, For cross section 1: y2circle = 0.03395mm For cross section 2: y2oct = 0.0341mm For cross section 3: y2sqr = 0.0349mm For cross section 4: y2isect = 0.0452mm Similarly, considering the load P3 = 26000N, deflection at mid point is, y = (54.0484 X 10-9)/I m Hence, For cross section 1: y3circle = 0.0831mm For cross section 2: y3oct = 0.0835mm For cross section 3: y3sqr = 0.0854mm For cross section 4: y3isect = 0.1107mm Total deflection is given by: y = y1 + y2 + y3 Hence, For cross section 1: y = 0.1622mm For cross section 2: y = 0.1630mm For cross section 3: y = 0.1668mm For cross section 4: y = 0.2161mm Factor of safety for the beams. Factor of safety is given by the formula: FOS = ?yield / ?max Given, yield stress of the material, ?yield = 650N/mm2 Using the above data, we get, For cross section 1: FOS = (650/8.6) = 75.58 For cross section 2: FOS = (650/8.64) = 75.23 For cross section 3: FOS = (650/8.84) = 73.53 For cross section 4: FOS = (650/11.46) = 56.72 By the above results, the cross section with the highest FOS can be chosen for designing the beam. Hence it can be recommended to choose the cross section with circular hole for final design. Part 2 The zone is red color is critical, means it has high stress and displacement. Hence clamping used will play a major role. From the plot, the maximum displacement at this location is 0.6511 mm, which is less than the customers expectations and hence the design is safe. As this displacement is almost 3.8 times of the specified value [2.5mm], no design changes or precautions would be needed. Therefore, Maximum displacement < Specified value. Part 3 Finite element method is one of the methods widely used and applied among the industries in the recent years and is used to study the behavior of the part by assigning various properties on to it. Method of simulation: Static studies in Solid works simulation calculate displacements, reaction forces, strains, stresses, failure criterion, factor of safety, and error estimates. Available loading conditions include point, line, surface, acceleration (volume) and thermal loads are available. Below criteria are important and are followed in this document so as to obtain values which are realistic in nature; The approach is done in three phases and are, Bottom up assembly-Phase 1 Defining load points-Phase 2 Simulation-Phase 3 Phase 1. Assembly of beams with relevant dimensions was done with fully defining the sketch geometry. Generating bosses with desired lengths and creating the profile as needed. Mates being defined between each parts using mate options in assembly mode. Phase 2. Split of 10mm was done at the top surface of the beam was done in order to imply point loads. Phase 3. Solid works simulation tool was used to access the simulation options. Steel was applied from the material database for all the components in the assembly. Connections were defined so as to make the assembly a rigid structure by defining the locations and this creates an effect of holding both the beams by means of bolts. Fixtures create an effect of holding the beam as required and are done at the either ends. Loads in terms of Newton were applied on to the points which were defined at phase 2. Mesh size was defined for the entire assembly and this inturn divides the geometry and several nodes are created for analysis. Finally the meshed model will provide us the study report, Von-misses stress, Factor of safety and Displacement of all the four cross-sections are obtained. Possible mistakes in simulation: It is up to the safety engineer in order to take extreme care before the analysis is performed so as to avoid the failure or inaccurate results during or before the simulation is actually performed. Mistakes should be avoided to the maximum extent while conducting simulation, as this might deviate the results and are not practical in nature and hence lead to misinterpretation. Some of them are listed below. Applying the material: This result in wrong stress and strain plots, displacement plots, Factor of safety, this inturn results in wrong load path distribution. Defining boundary conditions: Defining boundary conditions is crucial in terms of accurate results. Loadings should be done as per the real situation and unwanted assumptions have to be avoided. Generating mesh: Applying mesh is one of the important criteria as this procedure being the base on which the elements of the member or the beam is divided into several millions of individual pieces and are analyzed by applying degrees of freedom. Mesh size: Mesh size is important in order the material/component to take the load conditions. Larger mesh could result in small deflection and results may not be practical in nature. Clamping face: Wrong clamping face in simulation would completely alter the end result and this leads in wrong interpretation of the results obtained from the stress plot, displacement plots and Factor of safety. Mesh sizes and types: Solid works simulation currently includes solid continuum elements, curved surface shell elements (thin and thick) and truss and frame line elements. The shells are triangular with three vertex nodes or three vertex and three mid-edge nodes. Solids are tetrahedral with four vertex nodes or four vertex and six mid-edge nodes. They use linear and quadratic interpolation for the solution based on whether they have two or three nodes on an edge. The linear elements are also called simplex elements because their number of vertices is one more than the dimension of the space. The size of each element indicates a region where the solution is approximated by a spatial polynomial. Most finite element systems, including SW Simulation, use linear or quadratic complete polynomials in each element. You can tell by inspection which is being used by looking at an element edge. If that line has two nodes the polynomial is linear. If it has three nodes then the polynomial is quadratic. When the model is set for simulation, the program sub-divides the model into many tetrahedral small elements, these small points share a common point called as NODE. Below shows the small element where a common node is shared by curves, lines and edges. Difference between hand calculation and simulation: Few difference do exists between theoretical and hand calculations. Hand calculations: Hand calculations are often called as theoretical calculations, because of the fact that it does not take into consideration of several constrains could not be defined as we could do it in simulations. Material cannot be assigned in hand calculations. Mesh cannot be created for better and accurate result. Deflection, stress plot, displacement plots could not be visualized in hand calculations. Several assumptions might be required and thereby accounts in the deviation of the result from that of simulation. Hand calculations are based on the available formulae like from the design data hand book and are not different compared to simulation results. Result analysis like the animation of the result and high stress regions could not be obtained from hand calculations. Changes in boundary conditions would require repeating the procedure in hand calculations and time consuming process. Conclusion: Study of 3D-Finite element analysis of beam design assembly, address the capabilities of simulation. The idea of using the presented methods and techniques helps in optimizing the product before manufactured. This helps an industry in being changing their design at this stage based on the results obtained from simulation. Simple to complex parts/assemblies are simulated by this method, by defining several boundary conditions. The advancement in FEA area is vast, and has the capabilities of creating an environment of real time engineering situation and much finer results could also be obtained, as it provides options for finer mesh and hence more accurate the results. Finally this method of optimizing or validating the product at the initial level before design is done, has its own advantages, whilst it is worth understanding the customers requirement along with understanding the basic concepts of FEA makes a worth effort towards any engineering problem. Hence I strongly suggest for any organization to follow the process of FEA and get the full benefit of the same, as they could save time in the process of optimization of the product. References: Class tutorial. S Timo shenko and D H young. 5th Edition. Elements of strength of materials. Strength of materials by Bela I. Sandor. Solid works study material. Strength of materials by Ferdinand L. Singer and Andrew Pytel, 3rd Edition Strength of materials by Surya Patnaik and Dale Hopkins, Title: A new unified theory for the 21st century.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Effects of Segregation and Racism in Of Mice and Men Chapter 4 :: John Steinbeck

In the story, Crooks' home is, "a little shed that leaned off the wall of the barn." This suggests that he is isolated from the other men and treated like the animals he cares for and as such is made to live with them. Crooks' "bunk" was actually a long box filled with straw, which could further reinforce the fact that he is treated like an animal or it could show that he is poor and has low, if any social status. To say that Steinbeck seems to make his characters seem low and poor, Crooks seems to have a number of pleasant possessions, however, some are damaged but this could represent their amount of use. These include, "a single barreled shotgun" which suggests that he feels threatened and needs protection, although it could be a trophy from previous times in his past that he would like to remember. Also, he owns a "big alarm clock" which may show that he is punctual, ordered and that he requires being on time given the job but it may also show that because he is isolated from the other men, he relies less on others to awaken him in the mornings. ?A tattered dictionary? is another of his personal items, which could define his character as intelligent, but that he wants to be seen and it could be a way to prevent his constant loneliness from being a problem. Another piece of his home comes in the form of ?a mauled copy of the California civil code,? which can be used to represent his character?s intelligence plus that he reads to escape solitude, in addition to this point, as a coloured person in those times, Crooks? life must have been difficult, knowing his right as a person could aid in protection with which he needs. The last article in Crooks? inventory of significance would be his ?gold-rimmed spectacles,? which could enable him to see clearly, but may also allow him to view the world in a different perspective. The last point regarding Crooks? room may perhaps be seen as a relevant one, ?this room was swept and fairly neat?? could illustrate Crooks as a proud, aloof man. Finally, the fact that Crooks keeps his distance and demands that others keep theirs could again reinforce the point that he feels threatened and this would keep him protected. When Lennie enters the room, we learn more about the effects of isolation. Effects of Segregation and Racism in Of Mice and Men Chapter 4 :: John Steinbeck In the story, Crooks' home is, "a little shed that leaned off the wall of the barn." This suggests that he is isolated from the other men and treated like the animals he cares for and as such is made to live with them. Crooks' "bunk" was actually a long box filled with straw, which could further reinforce the fact that he is treated like an animal or it could show that he is poor and has low, if any social status. To say that Steinbeck seems to make his characters seem low and poor, Crooks seems to have a number of pleasant possessions, however, some are damaged but this could represent their amount of use. These include, "a single barreled shotgun" which suggests that he feels threatened and needs protection, although it could be a trophy from previous times in his past that he would like to remember. Also, he owns a "big alarm clock" which may show that he is punctual, ordered and that he requires being on time given the job but it may also show that because he is isolated from the other men, he relies less on others to awaken him in the mornings. ?A tattered dictionary? is another of his personal items, which could define his character as intelligent, but that he wants to be seen and it could be a way to prevent his constant loneliness from being a problem. Another piece of his home comes in the form of ?a mauled copy of the California civil code,? which can be used to represent his character?s intelligence plus that he reads to escape solitude, in addition to this point, as a coloured person in those times, Crooks? life must have been difficult, knowing his right as a person could aid in protection with which he needs. The last article in Crooks? inventory of significance would be his ?gold-rimmed spectacles,? which could enable him to see clearly, but may also allow him to view the world in a different perspective. The last point regarding Crooks? room may perhaps be seen as a relevant one, ?this room was swept and fairly neat?? could illustrate Crooks as a proud, aloof man. Finally, the fact that Crooks keeps his distance and demands that others keep theirs could again reinforce the point that he feels threatened and this would keep him protected. When Lennie enters the room, we learn more about the effects of isolation.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Principles of Time Management Essay

Time is one of the most difficult resources to manage. You can not take back what is already lost, you can not renew the times that you missed. Moreover, it is one of the measures that all men are created equal because everyone is just given 60 minutes in an hour and 24 hours a day. In our fast paced world where everything seems to run ahead of you and you just have to chase time after time to accomplish things, you need a real good time management. Ecclesiastes chapter 3 in the Bible talks about time for everything. â€Å"There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under heaven,† states in the first verse. This chapter alone teaches or urges people to set a time for everything to better manage time. There are a lot time management principles that we can suggest to a person however, it would be up to the individual to make the principles work. Dr. Jan Yager (1999) outlined seven principles in the book â€Å"The 7 Principles of Creative Time Management.† These include: Being active not reactive, setting goals, prioritizing actions, keeping focus, creating realistic deadlines, doing it NOW and balancing life. The D-O-I-T-N-O-W Principle states the following: Divide and conquer what you have to do. Break big tasks into little tasks and give each part of that task a realistic deadline. Organize your materials, how you will do it. Ignore interruptions that are annoying distractions Take the time to learn how to do things yourself. Now, not tomorrow. Don’t procrastinate. Opportunity is knocking. Take advantage of opportunities. Watch out for time gobblers. Keep track of, and in control of, how much time you spend on the Internet, reading and sending e-mails, watching TV, or talking on the phone. Before you know how to manage your time, you should first know what time is it. It is not telling the time in your watch but knowing the right thing to do at the right and proper time. However, you should also get a sense of time by tracking your watch. You can take control of your whole day if you know what time it is and what you should be doing on those times. Other than you good watch, you should still use other tool. One of which is a planner. Sometimes you can not memorize everything that you need to do in a day or in a week. Sometimes, you can not know if you have already done one job if you do have your list and you may result in doing it again; thus wasting your time. Grab a planner and make you checklist for the day. A planner use wisely will help you keep track your activities and help you evaluate regarding having balance. When you keep track on all your activities, you have a way to evaluate throughout the week and make it better if necessary. If you have the tools above and you still have the problem in managing your time, you need to identify the problem. Do you procrastinate? Do you always entertain interruption and waste your time in unproductive work?   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Time management may be difficult but as the Bible says, make time for everything. Do not focus on how to manage

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Freedom Road Essays

Freedom Road Essays Freedom Road Essay Freedom Road Essay 1. Gideon is afraid to go to Charleston because he is a â€Å"nigger†. He feels as though he is illiterate and not very smart he would not fit in. He would not want to go â€Å"to city full of white houses†¦ full of white folks making fun†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (p. 16-17). To help him overcome that fear Brother Peter tells him they â€Å"need a leader† (p 17). Because of how strong Gideon is physically and mentally he was chosen to represent them. 2. To Brother Peter Gideon is a young man. Since he is a younger man he can learn more than he can;†Just fill you up, like bucket drawing water from the well. (p 19) He can show the white people that he is not ignorant. But Gideon felt as though they would just laugh at him â€Å"and mock this nigger† (p 19). Once Brother Peter told him â€Å"take that dollar and buy a book,† Gideon felt as though that he could go to the Convention and make a change. 3. Abner Lait was a tenant of the Carwell’s. He regar ded the â€Å"world suspiciously and uncertainly. † (p 32) He had a hard time growing his crops and when he had a good one Carwell took it. Abner Lait spent time in a Yankee prisoner camp after the battles with Carwell’s regiment. (p 32) Abner was a white man that hated black people in formal way. . I believe that Gideon was correct. Because he is black doesn’t not mean that he doesn’t know what to do with the money earned from the Convention. (p 85) And being black in the legislation and having an education was important but hard. (p 86) And he didn’t want to be remembered as the slave of the owner, so he decided to take a different last name. 6. I think that Fast wants us to perceive that Carwell has not changed. Even though Gideon has become a wiser man the people at Carwell are still the same. (p 99) The man that drove Gideon twenty miles to Carwell didn’t know about the Convention (p. 8) meaning that the Convention had an effect on ever yone else on society except for the people in Carwell. The same little events that have been happening have occurred just like any other time (p 98). 7. When Trooper daughter gets raped it makes Trooper retaliate in a bad way. He decided that killing the white men that raped his daughter would make her feel better. But Gideon told him that he will get himself hung and the time he spent at the swamp would have been unnecessary. (p 114) Gideon says, â€Å"evil bad things/ fade out slowly/ a nigger is lynched, a poor†¦ girl is mistreated/ they fade out slowly. (p 115) What he is trying to say is that the white people won’t remember how they got mistreated. Their future counts on them making the right decision. They would have created a new life (p 114) for themselves while working in the swamp and saving their money. I do agree with Gideon, because if Trooper would have retaliated against the two white men he would have ended his life. And would’ve been just another event that would fade away. And his life would be over and he would not be able to have a better life. 8. Isaac Went was a man that didn’t judge you based on your race. He treated you just as he would treat another man. While talking to Gideon he yelled and lost his temper as one man to another (p 134). Isaac believed that Gideon was just a man (p 134) and was just like any other average American. When Brown was sitting in the same seat that Gideon was sitting in, Issac Went, although he was atheist, believed that John Brown could make the people believe that they could fight with the help of the Lord (p 135). Mr. Went valued the power they had. He wanted the blacks to hold on to the fact that they weren’t in slavery anymore. â€Å"We got the power, and we mean to hold onto it. † 9. : Emery believed that Gideon had a fantastic scheme (p 137), but was placing money in a staggering land venture (p 137). He didn’t want to invest in a unknown quantity and quality (p 137). He felt as thought that if Went would invest in this he would be wasting his money (p 140). But Emery gave his companionship to Went when he invested fifteen thousand dollars (p 140). 10. While in Scotland Jeff worked with white people. He was the only black person in the county (p 174) so he did make a difference. The white people wanted to know all about Jeff (p 174 but they was scared. Their â€Å"fears and suspicions were basic things (p 174).

Monday, October 21, 2019

Mobile Phone Essays

Mobile Phone Essays Mobile Phone Essay Mobile Phone Essay I am a very organized person who always gets any given tasks completed on time. I am reliable, trustworthy and hard working. I am eager to learn and willing to undertake any training necessary to secure employment. I enjoy and work well with others and have the ability to establish good working relationships. I easily adapt to new situations and handle change well. The ability to see opportunities and to set and achieve goals and act independently. Work Experience About Comes Sport September 2011 to April 2012 Lead Generator. At About Comes my task was calling clients on a daily basis offering upgrades for their mobile phones, which they could accept or decline. Part of my role was to gain clients details about their current mobile phone and tariff, building a rapport and relationship with them and passing this to my sales team to make the sale. CABS Care Portsmouth June 2011 to September 2011 Career/Domiciliary Care. My role at CABS was home care, also known as domiciliary care; it is the support and help with personal care and household tasks for the frail/elderly and those with long ERM care needs. Help with getting up and going to bed, dressing, bathing, meal preparation, laundry, medication administration and reminders. Practical tasks around the home such as cooking and cleaning help with shopping and running errands. Roast Portsmouth January 201 1 to April 2011 When working at Roast bar I improved a lot of my skills due too the challenges that were set upon me on a daily basis, as Roast bar was open throughout the day as a restaurant and then a club/Restaurant at night. The challenges that come upon me as to be calm in tough situations, to be hard working, patient, and give a 100% in the tasks I was asked to do. Sunrise Guilford May 2009 to December 2009 Career/Activity Assistant. As a Career/activity assistant I helped staff and the elderly at the residential home of Sunrise. Sunrise helped with my communication and human behavior skills, It Also improved my patience , skills ,awareness , Dependency with Those who have trouble speaking, hearing, walking. My day at work was to Just help the staff and residents with day to day living e. G. Activists, Bathing, Eating, Keeping them company and all mound Just making them feel at home. Hairdresser In Trim Portsmouth January 2007 to February 2009 Hairdresser/Stylist. My Role At In Trim on a day to day basis was to style hair such as dying, blow-dry, washing, making all different hairstyles and making sure the client was satisfied. Also keeping the salon clean and tidy, regularly sweeping the floor and cleaning the sides. Answering the phone in a appropriate manner to make appointments. Also keeping the clients in the salon at ease, making refreshments, building a rapport and relationship. Healthcare Support Worker Aquarius Nursing Home Portsmouth November 2012 Ongoing.. Career/Health support worker. At Aquarius Nursing home a 39 bedroom home on a daily basis I help the elderly with washing, dressing, getting to and from bed,preparing meals, going to the Tillie, tiding there rooms, its 24 hour care. Using hoists, standing aids all the manual handling equipment provided daily for the residents that need that extra help. The vital and essential nursing care that patients need. Maintaining health and safety at work, reporting everything food/fluid/accidents, everything is documented. Finitely Learn new things on a daily basis, theres always room for learning in care. Also work in pairs everyday so never alone so team work is a big part working at Aquarius. Education Milton Cross Portsmouth 2001 to 2006 C. O. S. H. H 03/13 Moving and Handling 04/13 Skills Being constructive, willing to take on less attractive tasks, contributing practically to the teams success. To communicate with others in writing and speech always in the appropriate manner. Knowing my strengths and skills and having the confidence to put these across. Additional Information Motivation I am an energetic and enthusiastic person who enjoys a challenge and achieving personal goals. Always want to do things that offer me the opportunity to develop new skills while strengthening those I already possess. Sport I believe in a healthy body to make you feel good about yourself. I do Sports such as Tennis, Samba and Running. Life We are only here once so I aim to get the most out of it. I love Holidays, Being with Family and friends the people I love and generally Just making the most of life.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Essay on Coming To America

Essay on Coming To America Essay on Coming To America Dear Alessia and Little Luca, I really miss Italy; I have been in the United States for about five or six weeks, la terra libera!! But I wish you could be here with me, I always think about our child. However, my new job offers a higher salary and I will start saving some money for you to come here and live a much better life without hunger or poverty, we will always have enough food for our baby and ourselves, che meraglivia! The kind of life I am living now here in America was worth all the pain and suffering I experienced to get here. We last saw each other in Port of Augusta and after I waved goodbye from the boat, I was taken along with other passengers to the steerage, which is located under the deck and we were not allowed to go out of there during the entire journey, many of the passengers got really sick. Di notte, it was always cold and we felt miserable, however, once we arrived we were full of joy and happiness. We got off the boat at a place called Ellis Island where many doctors were waiting for us; they wanted to make sure we would not carry any disease into their precious land. After they made sure I was healthy, some officers started asking many question, I told them I was only here to work and save some money for my hungry family and they let me in. I now live in a city called New York, it is wonderful and it was easy for me to find a job, I thought my lack of experience would be a problem but that was not the case. I work in a huge factory

Saturday, October 19, 2019

ISIS (Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant) Research Paper

ISIS (Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant) - Research Paper Example In the year 2006, the group further joined other Sunni insurgent groups to form the Mujahedeen Shura Council. The rise of the Mujahedeen Shura Council, lead to the emergence of an Islamic state, the Islamic State of Iraq (ISI). After the taking over of the leadership of the group by Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, the group expanded much more where it further entered in Syria through participation in the civil war that was going on in the country. In this instance, the group formed itself in the areas dominated by the Sunnis of Syria through the governance of Ar-Raqqah, Idlib, Deir ez-Zor and Aleppo. After gaining control of Syria, the group, in this case, changed to the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant in April 2013. The action followed after the announcement by al-Baghdadi of the merger with al-Nusra Front group from Syria. The group maintained their close cooperation with the al-Qaeda until February 2014 when they broke ranks with each other due wrangling issues related to power (Mastors, 75). According the information obtained from the Iraqis and the spokesmen from the United States, the Islamic State of Iraq, and the Levant supported themselves. They supported themselves through raising of the money got from the kidnappings of wealthy Iraqis who paid to them a given ransom for their release. Apart from kidnapping of the wealthy citizens for ransom payments, the rebel group also used such activities like car theft, hijacking fuel trucks, and counterfeiting. Other sources of finance came from the raised supplies by commandeering rations and shaking down Iraqi soldiers for ammunition. The last cases involved the most lucratively stole oil in the region of Bayji for the black market to raise money for supporting their activities (QutÃÅ'Â £b, 56). Besides kidnappings and corruption means of sourcing for finance, Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant also got financial assistance from jihadists in

Friday, October 18, 2019

Management of Human Resources 6 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Management of Human Resources 6 - Essay Example Patton-Fuller Community Hospital states its mission and objective as being the treatment of the most important health concerns – the patients. It also states that it is keen to provide healthcare services that are carefully designed to effectively meet the patient’s needs at every stage of their lives. Patient care is their most important job. The hospital also seeks to ensure that a patient’s stay at the hospital is the most pleasant experience possible for the patient (Patton-fuller Community Hospital). A good method that can be used to effectively analyze Patton-Fuller Community Hospital’s human resources contribution to the organization’s missions and objectives is to conduct a SWOT analysis. A SWOT analysis is crucial in the establishment of an organization’s strength’s, opportunities, weaknesses and threats. The analysis is seen to force an organization’s management to carefully take an objective look at the external (threats and opportunities) and internal (weaknesses and strength) aspects of its overall operations so as to be able to identify both the areas of concern and those of opportunity. This will enable them to be able to take actions that will be necessary to help increase or defend the organization’s market share (Walker & Miller, 65). The human resources at Patton-Fuller are seen to offer several key strengths that can be seen to actively contribute towards the support of the organization’s objectives and missions. Key among these strengths is the fact that the hospital boasts of employing a stable and experienced workforce across the board in all departments (Wilson, 147). This has played a pivotal role in ensuring that the medical procedures and every day operations at the hospital run smoothly and effectively. This is seen to be in line with the hospital’s objective of ensuring that a patient’s experience is as pleasant

An Investigation of Career Barriers for Female Television News Anchor Dissertation - 2

An Investigation of Career Barriers for Female Television News Anchor in Nigeria - Dissertation Example Nigerian Female TV Anchor-persons 13 2.2. Barriers for Electronic Media Women 14 2.2.1. Cultural Bias 14 2.2.2. Gender Role Conflict 14 2.2.3. Physical Appearance 15 2.2.4. Ageism 15 2.2.5. Sexual Harassment 16 2.3. Theories of Social Stereotyping 16 CHAPTER III 19 RESEARCH METHODOLOGY 19 3.1. Research Design 19 3.2. Data Collection Procedure 20 3.2.1. Interview 20 3.2.2. Questionnaire 21 3.3. Sampling Technique 22 3.3.1. Sampling for the Interview 22 3.3.2. Sampling for the Questionnaire 23 3.4. Ethical Considerations 23 3.5. Validity of the Data 24 3.6. Reliability of the Data 24 3.7. Approach to Data Presentation and Analysis 24 3.8. Limitations of the Study 25 CHAPTER IV 26 DATA PRESENTATION AND ANALYSIS 26 4.1. Interviews 26 4.2. Questionnaires 27 4.2.1. Question 1 27 4.2.2. Question 2 28 4.2.3. Question 3 30 4.2.4. Question 4 31 4.2.5. Question 5 32 4.2.6. Question 6 32 4.2.7. Question 7 33 4.2.8. Question 8 35 4.2.9. Question 9 36 4.2.10. Question 10 37 CHAPTER V 39 CONCLUSION 39 REFERENCES 40 APPENDIX B 45 List of Tables Table 4.2.1 Responses to Professional Women 28 Table 4.2.2 Realization of the Productive Role of Women 29 Table 4.2.3 Conservativeness of the Role of Women as a Maid 30 Table 4.2.4 Suitability of Media for Females 31 Table 4.2.5 Suitability of News Anchor-ship for Females 32 Table 4.2.6 Acceptance of Media Women by the Society 33 Table 4.2.7 Influence of Ageism on Female Media Career 34 Table 4.2.8 Matrimonial Opportunities for media Women 35 Table 4.2.9 Possibility of Substitution of Female Newscasters by Males 35 Table 4.2.10 Permission to Adopt TV Profession 36 List of Illustrations Figure 4.1 Categorization of Female Interviewees 26 Figure 4.2.1 Responses to Professional Women 28 Figure 4.2.2 Realization of the Productive Role of Women 29 Figure 4.2.3 Conservativeness of the Role of Women as a Maid 30 Figure 4.2.4 Suitability of Media for Females 31 Figure 4.2.5 Suitability of News Anchor-ship for Females 32 Figure 4.2.6 Acceptance of Media Women by the Society 33 Figure 4.2.7 Influence of Ageism on Female Media Career 34 Figure 4.2.8 Matrimonial Opportunities for media Women 35 Figure 4.2.9 Possibility of Substitution of Female Newscasters by Males 36 Figure 4.2.10 Permission to Adopt TV Profession 37 CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION Women have always been suppressed and exploited in this world. Though this tendency has lessened to a greater degree in some of the developed countries, yet the condition in the under developed and developing countries have never changed. The societies, where men are domineering, condemn women as weak and a mere ‘bit of fluff’. To them, the place of a woman is within the four boundaries of a house where she is to serve male in various ways: mother, wife, sister, daughter, maid, etc. whatever the role is assigned to her, she is under the dominant male who is her lord and master. The condition in Nigeria is not much different. Though the doors of progress and technology have bee n opened to them, yet there are still so many hindrances which are blocking the women’s ways to independent success. This paper aims at exploration of such certain social, physical and suppressing factors which are deterring the female in Nigeria from progressing as T.V. news-casters. The paper also focuses at discovering the barriers in professional/career development of female news anchors that are already in the television news industry. 1.1. Background The Federal Republic of Nigeria is

The Key Developments in Social Policy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words

The Key Developments in Social Policy - Essay Example The present paper aims to analyze and evaluate the important developments the New Labour administration had introduced and observed in the social policy with regards to addressing the challenges of child poverty and child abuse since 1997 onward in the light of the implication of the social policy on the overall welfare of the children. Hence, the paper will concentrate on the progress witnessed by the UK authorities in respect of improving the condition of the children. (Full stop) in order to protect them from becoming the victim of poverty and abuse for the future days to come. The main objective behind exploring the social policy with regards to the children includes the significant increase the British society has witnessed in the poverty level as well as child abuse in the country during the last few years. Since the new social policy had been devised’to combat’’ to combat with child abuse and child poverty, failure in overcoming both these problems, serves as a great challenge on the part of the British government. The paper will elaborate on social policy, and different strategies adopted by the UK administration in respect of the improvements being made in it in the wake of revising these policies in the best interest of the public at large. Finally, the evaluation of the social policy on children will be made in the light of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC). Their purpose was to investigate rather than into the validity of the social policy on the one side, and the functioning of the same on the other. Introduction: Social policy simply refers to all the strategies and schemes articulated and implemented by the authorities with the aim of bringing in improvements in one or all areas related to the individual and collective well-being of the members of society in general. â€Å"Social policies† according to Prof. Macbeth, â€Å"are connected with the right ordering of the network of relations hips between men and women who live together in societies, or with the principles which should govern the activities of individuals or groups, so far they affect the lives and interests of other people† (1957:1). Vargas-Hernandez et al. define social policy to be the â€Å"guidelines and interventions for the changing, maintenance or creation of living conditions that are conducive to human welfare† (2011:287). It includes the upbringing of the people in the areas like food, clothing, shelter, health, education, housing, employment and protection for all without discrimination. Consequently, social policies are devised by keeping in view the welfare and socio-economic uplift of the masses in various areas of life; and without observing any prejudice with regards to to the class, caste, creed, ethnicity, race, region, religion, gender, sexual orientation and socio-economic status of the members of society. The authorities make plans y focusing on the social issues challe nging the members of society on the one side, and for combating with the social evils prevailing in the culture on the other.  

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Computer Networking Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Computer Networking - Research Paper Example The discussion further analyses the importance of backup as an operation security strategy that helps avail the data stored in the database in case of an external damage. Security is one of the most fundamental factors in the installation and maintenance of a computer network. This follows the understanding that the information shared on such computer networks is a key asset to the institutions that develop the information system. Computer networks refer to telecommunication networks that permit computers and other similar media to transfer data thus enabling communication. The interconnection of computers among other appliances such as telephones, fax machines and printers thus creates an information network that facilitates communication either within the organization or on a larger context with third parties outside the organization. The integrity of the data flowing within the information system relies on the security features employed by the information technology department in the organization (Wood, 2010). Security of a computer network requires the incorporation of various technologies as essay below elaborates. Among the various security features used in a network is end-to-end encryption, which is arguably the most effective security tool. While not often considered a security feature, end-to-end encryption is a paradigm that permits data protection through a series of encoding and decoding through appropriate platforms only. This allows for selective access to the information communicated through the network thus maintaining a degree of integrity in the entire communication process. The party that originates the data encrypts to an appropriate format conveyable through the network while the receiving party decrypts the data thereby obtaining the intended message. The process is simple but requires an effective utilization of appropriate resources in order to maintain the fidelity of the data communicated in any network. Furthermore, while end-to-end

Process laboratories Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Process laboratories - Essay Example This implies that more and more liquids rich in highly volatile components are being re-used back in the column. Separation then becomes easier and thus fewer trays are required to achieve the same operation degree. Minimum tray is needed under total reflux conditions that are distillate and are not withdrawn. On the contrary, as the reflux is reduced, the line of operation of the rectification section goes towards the equilibrium line (Owens, 2009, pp24-33). The ‘pinch’ between the operating and the equilibrium lines are highly pronounced and many trays are required. Distillation is the most widely used method of separation in the chemical process industries. Distillation uses about 24% of the total energy. Refineries rely heavily on distillation for separation of complex mixture of compounds found in crude oil into the products for sale. Distillation uses about 40% of all the energy consumed in refineries (Owens, 2009, pp24-33). First, distillation method is viewed from a steady state to make sure the process remains within safe working

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

The Key Developments in Social Policy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words

The Key Developments in Social Policy - Essay Example The present paper aims to analyze and evaluate the important developments the New Labour administration had introduced and observed in the social policy with regards to addressing the challenges of child poverty and child abuse since 1997 onward in the light of the implication of the social policy on the overall welfare of the children. Hence, the paper will concentrate on the progress witnessed by the UK authorities in respect of improving the condition of the children. (Full stop) in order to protect them from becoming the victim of poverty and abuse for the future days to come. The main objective behind exploring the social policy with regards to the children includes the significant increase the British society has witnessed in the poverty level as well as child abuse in the country during the last few years. Since the new social policy had been devised’to combat’’ to combat with child abuse and child poverty, failure in overcoming both these problems, serves as a great challenge on the part of the British government. The paper will elaborate on social policy, and different strategies adopted by the UK administration in respect of the improvements being made in it in the wake of revising these policies in the best interest of the public at large. Finally, the evaluation of the social policy on children will be made in the light of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC). Their purpose was to investigate rather than into the validity of the social policy on the one side, and the functioning of the same on the other. Introduction: Social policy simply refers to all the strategies and schemes articulated and implemented by the authorities with the aim of bringing in improvements in one or all areas related to the individual and collective well-being of the members of society in general. â€Å"Social policies† according to Prof. Macbeth, â€Å"are connected with the right ordering of the network of relations hips between men and women who live together in societies, or with the principles which should govern the activities of individuals or groups, so far they affect the lives and interests of other people† (1957:1). Vargas-Hernandez et al. define social policy to be the â€Å"guidelines and interventions for the changing, maintenance or creation of living conditions that are conducive to human welfare† (2011:287). It includes the upbringing of the people in the areas like food, clothing, shelter, health, education, housing, employment and protection for all without discrimination. Consequently, social policies are devised by keeping in view the welfare and socio-economic uplift of the masses in various areas of life; and without observing any prejudice with regards to to the class, caste, creed, ethnicity, race, region, religion, gender, sexual orientation and socio-economic status of the members of society. The authorities make plans y focusing on the social issues challe nging the members of society on the one side, and for combating with the social evils prevailing in the culture on the other.  

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Process laboratories Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Process laboratories - Essay Example This implies that more and more liquids rich in highly volatile components are being re-used back in the column. Separation then becomes easier and thus fewer trays are required to achieve the same operation degree. Minimum tray is needed under total reflux conditions that are distillate and are not withdrawn. On the contrary, as the reflux is reduced, the line of operation of the rectification section goes towards the equilibrium line (Owens, 2009, pp24-33). The ‘pinch’ between the operating and the equilibrium lines are highly pronounced and many trays are required. Distillation is the most widely used method of separation in the chemical process industries. Distillation uses about 24% of the total energy. Refineries rely heavily on distillation for separation of complex mixture of compounds found in crude oil into the products for sale. Distillation uses about 40% of all the energy consumed in refineries (Owens, 2009, pp24-33). First, distillation method is viewed from a steady state to make sure the process remains within safe working

BLack and white- eric walters Essay Example for Free

BLack and white- eric walters Essay The name of the book is Black and White. It is written by Eric Walters. The illustrator of the book is Joe Baker. This book was published by the Penguin Group in 2009. The genre is fiction. Black and White is book about Thomas and his best friend Steve who tries to persuade him to watch girls play basketball on a sunny afternoon, and Thomas reluctantly follows him. As they started to watch the game, a black girl named Denyse caught Thomas eye with her basketball skills. On a Friday night, through a series of funny coincidences because they had a lot in common, they end up going to the movies together, and affectionate feelings develop between them. After confessing their love for each other during a ski trip, but start to encounter racial problems. They cannot understand what the big deal is, but the pressure of this relationship break them apart. I would definitely recommend this book to everybody and I would rate this book 9/10. I think the author did a fabulous job of capturing the reader’s attention in the first few chapters. As I start to read Black and White, I assumed it would end up as a typical romance but the relationship between the races and the problems that came up made it more interesting. I feel the need that other people should definitely read Black and White because it involves something that we see Dhaliwal 2 everyday which is racism. Although I think that the book is quite interesting, it was too over- sentimental for my taste. This book relates to history because in the book there are racist remarks and racism has been a problem for centuries. Also, it is a nice book to read for Black History Month. Its perfectly suitable for a young age group, with a complete lack of swearing for example but I think this book is perfect for normal ten years and up because the book has some high vocabulary. I dont think audience under 10 might be able to understand so its good for middle school kids and up. I think the authors point of view was that love is blind, no matter your skin colour. Definitely, this book brings racial discrimination to light.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Torture is Ethically Wrong: Analysis

Torture is Ethically Wrong: Analysis Stephen D. Dillehayes Serving in a combat centered career in the military for almost two decades I have many experiences with the topic of torture. I have attended classes on how to apply and resist, both with varying results. But one of the topics that always come up is Is torture ethically right. I believe argument can be broken down into categories, how it affects the person and how it affects the states, which will reveal how it is fundamentally wrong. Lets look at two sides of the debate. Argument: Premise 1: Provides information in time sensitive situations. Premise 2: The ends justify the means. Premise 3: The enemy uses it, so there isnt a reason we shouldnt. Conclusion: Torture is legally and morally right. Counterargument: Premise 1: By dehumanizing someone you can collect information easier, but this also dehumanizes you. Premise 2: Human rights are suspended by the torturer to get what he wants. Premise 3: Information received validity cant be trusted. Conclusion: Torture is legally and morally wrong. The first premise of the counterargument is centered on the acts of violence inflicted by the torturer. To be affective as a torturer you have to think of your victim as less than human, in order to justify the human rights violations you have to commit to get any useful information. This process have been seen throughout history, the most notable is the Nazis treatment of the Jews in World War II. These actions can led to not only war crimes, human rights violations but also legal ramifications which will have long term effects on the person i.e. criminal charges and psychological damage. For the second premise you have to look at human rights on a global scale. The United Nations, in 1948, wrote the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. One of the Articles contained in it is Article 5, which states No one shall be subjected to torture or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment. In particular, no one shall be subjected without his free consent to medical or scientific experimentation. (UDHR, 1948). The United States of America was one of the members who helped draft and signed this collections of rights. By denying to fall it and allowing personnel within its government or military to use torture as a mean to get information the United States government as a whole is guilty of human rights violations. The last premise can be summed up from the Army Field Manual 34-52 Chapter 1, Experience indicates that the use of force is not necessary to gain the cooperation of sources for interrogation. Therefore, the use of force is a poor technique, as it yields unreliable results, may damage subsequent collection efforts, and can induce the source to say whatever he thinks the interrogator wants to hear. (AFM 34-52, 1992) This statement comes from an organization, the U.S. Army, which has been at war no stop with terrorism for over a decade and they dont even believe torture is an effective way to get information. It is hard to get a better first hand source then that. All of these lead to the conclusion that the argument is fundalmentally flawed. If you look at the main points you can see how they dont support the conclusion, whereas the counter argument not only supports but validates its conclusion. One, provides time sensitive information, which cant be trusted. Two, the ends justify the means, the same argument the Nazis use, which didnt make it right. Finally, our enemy use it so we should. This mindset was ban by the UN, which the US is part of, which makes the premise invalid. By looking at the evidence provided, which shows that torture dehumanized a person, but is globally wrong based off of articles of the UN, there is no other conclusion then torture is wrong. Not only on a personal standard, from what it does to someone. But since the USA has already signed an agreement banning it, it is legally wrong at the state level as well. References Universal Declaration of Human Rights (10 December 1948) retrieved from FM 34-52 (1992, September 28) retrieved from

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Comparing Fascism, Communism and Nazism Essay examples -- Compare Cont

Comparing Fascism, Communism and Nazism Fascism, and discontent go hand in hand. After WWI Europe was devastated, the people had lost hope in the systems, neither the liberals, nor conservatives had been able to prevent the terrible disaster that was the war. Socialists were the closest one, however not happy with socialism either, a group of socialist joined and formed their own ideology. The difference between this new ideology, and other that had originated before, is that the first thing that comes to mind when you talk about fascism, is not what they stood for but what they hated most. Fascist hated socialism because of its internationality. They hated liberals because specifically because their ideology center in the individual strength of the human been, and in sharing when a variety of thoughts are in conflict, not imposing. They hated conservatives because they like to preserve the system, and for them change had to be very small, and slow, while fascist wanted radical change now. Fascism and communism had a lot in common. They both wanted radical change,...

Saturday, October 12, 2019

James Joyces Araby and Eveline Essay -- Araby, Eveline Essays

James Joyce's "Araby" and "Eveline" In 'Araby' and 'Eveline' Joyce uses religious symbols to show the importance of the Catholic religion in both of the main characters' lives. Both of these stories take place in Dublin, Ireland, a place that is very strong in its belief in the Catholic religion. In 'Araby,' the imagery of the infamous 'Fall' is presented to the reader within the second paragraph to indicate its importance. The themes of religious masses can be found in 'Eveline.' The concept of the Catholic Ash Wednesday is presented throughout both 'Araby' and 'Eveline.'   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The second paragraph of ?Araby? presents the idea of the Adam and Eve story known as ?The Fall.? ?The wild garden behind the house contained a central apple tree and a few straggling bushes under one of which I found the late tenant?s rusty bicycle pump.? (21/14-17). In the Catholic religion, the Adam and Eve story is thought to be the time when sin became present in the world. It is the time in Catholicism when the innocent life that Adam and Eve shared in the beautiful garden, violently changed into a life of responsibility, pain, heartbreak, suffering, and most important in the Catholic religion, separation from God. This transformation can not only be seen in the story of Adam and Eve, but in the change from the innocent life of a child to the turbulent life of an adult. The latter change is the one that the main character of ?Araby? is going through. Joyce is trying to show how important this theme was by repeating the word ?fall? throughout the entire story. Catholic religion plays an important role in the main character?s life, because the Catholic religion gives specific standards for believers to follow. This religion, along with its rules and regulations, is the one that the main character was raised by, and he feels obligated to follow them, even through the very tough time of adolescence. In the story, the boy becomes infatuated with a girl. This crush on Mangan?s sister is very tough on the main character for many reasons. The first being that she does not share the love he has for her, and secondly, his crush conflicts with his strict religion. He becomes obsessed with her, watching her every move. The girl has taken over his every thought, which is why the crush conflicts with the Catholic religion. Catholicism is the worship of a single, all-powerful God. When ... ...hooses to live the life of duty and responsibility, proving that her belief in the Catholic religion is indeed something she thinks is important; and also when she gives up her chance to escape to a carefree life, she gives up something else important to her, Frank.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The above examples come together to show that the Catholic religion plays a major role in the lives of Joyce?s main characters. He uses repeated words and religious symbols to show just how important Catholicism is to the lives of the population of Dublin, Ireland. Joyce intentionally uses religion as the main conflict in the situations in both of the stories. James Joyce believes Catholicism is important, and he uses the religion to affect the characters? lives. Without having the Catholic background both Eveline and the main character in ?Araby? have, their choices concerning their life would have been less difficult. Instead of having to decide between their religion and their desires, they would only have to consider their desires. Joyce believes that the Catholic religion affects the characters and their situations, which is the reason why he writes in religious symbols throughout ?Araby? and ?Eveline.? James Joyce's Araby and Eveline Essay -- Araby, Eveline Essays James Joyce's "Araby" and "Eveline" In 'Araby' and 'Eveline' Joyce uses religious symbols to show the importance of the Catholic religion in both of the main characters' lives. Both of these stories take place in Dublin, Ireland, a place that is very strong in its belief in the Catholic religion. In 'Araby,' the imagery of the infamous 'Fall' is presented to the reader within the second paragraph to indicate its importance. The themes of religious masses can be found in 'Eveline.' The concept of the Catholic Ash Wednesday is presented throughout both 'Araby' and 'Eveline.'   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The second paragraph of ?Araby? presents the idea of the Adam and Eve story known as ?The Fall.? ?The wild garden behind the house contained a central apple tree and a few straggling bushes under one of which I found the late tenant?s rusty bicycle pump.? (21/14-17). In the Catholic religion, the Adam and Eve story is thought to be the time when sin became present in the world. It is the time in Catholicism when the innocent life that Adam and Eve shared in the beautiful garden, violently changed into a life of responsibility, pain, heartbreak, suffering, and most important in the Catholic religion, separation from God. This transformation can not only be seen in the story of Adam and Eve, but in the change from the innocent life of a child to the turbulent life of an adult. The latter change is the one that the main character of ?Araby? is going through. Joyce is trying to show how important this theme was by repeating the word ?fall? throughout the entire story. Catholic religion plays an important role in the main character?s life, because the Catholic religion gives specific standards for believers to follow. This religion, along with its rules and regulations, is the one that the main character was raised by, and he feels obligated to follow them, even through the very tough time of adolescence. In the story, the boy becomes infatuated with a girl. This crush on Mangan?s sister is very tough on the main character for many reasons. The first being that she does not share the love he has for her, and secondly, his crush conflicts with his strict religion. He becomes obsessed with her, watching her every move. The girl has taken over his every thought, which is why the crush conflicts with the Catholic religion. Catholicism is the worship of a single, all-powerful God. When ... ...hooses to live the life of duty and responsibility, proving that her belief in the Catholic religion is indeed something she thinks is important; and also when she gives up her chance to escape to a carefree life, she gives up something else important to her, Frank.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The above examples come together to show that the Catholic religion plays a major role in the lives of Joyce?s main characters. He uses repeated words and religious symbols to show just how important Catholicism is to the lives of the population of Dublin, Ireland. Joyce intentionally uses religion as the main conflict in the situations in both of the stories. James Joyce believes Catholicism is important, and he uses the religion to affect the characters? lives. Without having the Catholic background both Eveline and the main character in ?Araby? have, their choices concerning their life would have been less difficult. Instead of having to decide between their religion and their desires, they would only have to consider their desires. Joyce believes that the Catholic religion affects the characters and their situations, which is the reason why he writes in religious symbols throughout ?Araby? and ?Eveline.?

Friday, October 11, 2019

Assessment Record and Feedback Sheet Essay

1. Understand the communication principles of computer networks 2. Know the main elements of data communications systems 3. Be able to implement different forms of network communications. (P5 – P6 – M2 – D2) Assignment Target Grade Final Grade Achieved Tutor Signature and Date Pï  ± Mï  ± Dï  ± Grading Criteria Date Achieved Date Ref’d 1st Date Ref’d 2nd Assessor Comments Address all comments directly to grading criteria. Please state clearly whether Formative or Summative feedback. Assessor Initials P5 – Describe the principles of signal theory P6 – Describe different transmission methods used M2 – Explain why particular transmission methods are chosen in particular situations D2 – Compare the effectiveness of different transmission methods Functional Skills Feedback Please include comments on English / Maths / IT General Comments and Performance Against Standards STUDENT’S COMMENT Comments on assignment feedback, including your Action Plan for next assignment. CHOOSE ONE of the following questions to answer with regard to your assignment: 1. What did you find difficult about the assignment? 2. What did you find enjoyable? 3. What else would you like to know about this particular subject/topic? 4. How are you going to improve your grade in future assignments? 5. How could you improve your literacy, numeracy or IT skills? 6. What do you feel needs to be done to improve this assignment and how will you do this? 7. Your lecturer’s comments Assignment-2 (Brief) Unit No. 10 Unit Title: Communication Technologies P/M/D Criteria covered: (P5 – P6 – M2 – D2) Learning outcomes – On completion of this unit you should: 1Understand the communication principles of computer networks 2Know the main elements of data communications systems 3Be able to implement different forms of network communications. Scenario A client wishes to know more about the issues surrounding the transmission of data. In this assignment, you will produce a series of mini reports to demonstrate your understanding of the various aspects of data transmission and the principles of signal theory. Task 1 (P5) This task will provide evidence for: P5 Describe the principles of signal theory 1. Signal Theory: With the aid of a diagram explain how data is represented in a digital format. What is a bit? What is a data packet? Draw a data packet and explain the individual parts. Explain synchronous and asynchronous transmission. Define bandwidth and give four common measurements from slow to fast (e.g. Bits Per second (bps) being the lowest). What is data compression and how is it beneficial to a network? 2. You should also explain with the aid of clearly labelled diagrams, how data gets from one point to the other by describing the following: Simplex, half-duplex and full-duplex. Serial and parallel communication. Task 2 (P6) This task will provide evidence for: P6 Describe different transmission methods used 1. Describe with the aid of drawings the features and benefits of the following transmission methods: a. Coaxial: i. Thinnet ii. Thicknet b. Optical Fibre: i. Single Mode ii. Multi Mode c. Twisted Pair: i. Unshielded ii. Shielded d. Wireless solutions: Radio- i. Explain how computers convert digital signals into radio waves. ii. List three strengths and weaknesses associated with radio transmission. Microwave- iii. What is microwave? iv. What are the main benefits of using microwave for data transmission? v. Explain point-to-point and point-to-multipoint microwave with suitable examples. Satellite- vi. What is a communication satellite? vii. What are the three main categories of satellite with regards to their position in orbit. viii. Explain the following MAC protocols for satellite links: 1. ALOHA 2. FDMA 3. TDMA 4. CDMA Task 3 (M2) This task will provide evidence for: M2 Explain why particular transmission methods are chosen in particular situations Based on the information produced for (P6) create a series of scenarios to aid your explanation of why certain transmission methods are chosen in particular situations. Task 4 (D2) This task will provide evidence for: D2 Compare the effectiveness of different transmission methods For this part of your assignment develop a detailed report comparing the effectiveness of the transmission methods described in P6. *Note: your report must focus on the good and bad points and not just be a description of the various methods.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Friendships in “Of Mice and Men” Essay

Throughout life, one establishes friendships to better ensure their future. The novel Of Mice And Men, written by John Steinbeck, is about a group of traveling labor workers and the hardships that they overcome. The friendship between George, one of the main characters, and Lenny, a retarded man and of Candy, a crippled man, and his old dog, although different, they each share many of the same feelings toward each other. Also, by establishing these friendships, each partner is benefited and is given life motivation. However, all good things must come to an end, and when each partner is separated from their companion, their significant bonds are broken. Because of their established friendships, George, Lenny, Candy and his dog are able to live happy lives filled with joyous and exciting times. Throughout the book, many feelings are expressed between the relationship of George and Lenny and of Candy and his dog. Ever since they had lived together, George and Lenny loved and cared for each other every waiting day. Because [they] [had] each other, George and Lenny became more loving and compassionate, not just towards themselves, but also towards others (104). Unlike the other traveling workers who journeyed alone, George and Lenny were together, fighting off the hardships of The Great Depression with a loving relationship. This bond kept each others hearts pure and refrained them from turning bitter. Ever since Candys dog was a puppy, he and Candy had shared a trustworthy connection filled with loyalty for each other. In Candys younger years of life, when his partner was a good sheep dog, they had started a trusting relationship, which they carried out throughout the rest of their lives (24). Since Candy had his pup ever since it was born, Candy was its only master. Because canines are extremely loyal to their master, this loyal bond was able to flourish. Finally, because Lenny has been with George all his life, he feels a bond of trust between them and is completely loyal to George. During their early years, when George wasnt so kind to Lenny, he could have told Lenny to walk over a cliff and over hed go (40). Although George never did something this cruel, he did do some grueling things. He even got Lenny into fights. However, as time went on, he too became loyal and a trusting relationship grew. Even though these partners are very different, they still share many of the same feelings towards each other. In the relationship of George and Lenny and of Candy and his dog, each partner gains something and this is the motivation for the friendship. Because of Lennys mental state, as he travels with, and becomes friends with, George, he benefits by having a guardian to follow him around and keep him safe. Ever since they were young, Lenny just come along with George, and from that day forward he benefited from Georges safety (40). Lenny is retarded and his mind cannot process enough useful information to allow him to live a successful life, contributing to society. If George had not allowed Lenny to travel with him then Lenny would either end up homeless, in prison, or dead. In addition, because Candys dog is now useless, he benefits off Candy by receiving a guardian to protect him and guide him through the rest of his life. Although he had been an excellent canine in his day, because he aint no good to anyone now, his life would be futile if he did not have a guide for his remaining years. However, Candy did not care for him entirely out of kindness, he too benefits from their relationship. Because Candy is a cripple, he wants to feel like he is needed, and having someone that depends on him, allows Candy to live a joyous life. Although Lenny does not have much to give, George still benefits off their friendship by receiving a loyal companion to accompany him on his journeys. Because [they] travel together, George does not have to be burdened with the loneliness that could drive a man insane. George observes the other traveling labor workers become hard and lonely because they have nobody to converse with on their journeys. Although he benefits from their relationship, George pays dearly with his guardianship over Lenny. By establishing these relationships, each partner is benefited and given life motiv ation. Both the friendship of George and Lenny and of Candy and his dog lose their significant bonds when the partners are separated. Because Candy and his dog provide companionship for each other, when his dog dies Candy is left alone and unstable. Once his dog had been put up for the death sentence, Candy was left alone, pondering their wonderful memories together as he lied rigidly on his bed and stared at the ceiling (48). Candys purpose in life was now over, for he had no one that depended on him. Now the only thing that drove  him was the hope that Georges dream would come true, and that George, Lenny and he would get their own little plot of land. After George kills Lenny, although this was an act of kindness, George loses his purpose as a guardian. After he had pulled the trigger, George shivered and looked at the gun, for he knew that his guardianship was now over (106). George understood that it was his responsibility to kill Lenny. Although this act of kindness will burden him for the rest of his life, George still did the honorable thing. When Lenny died, George loses his dream of having a place of their own. By now, the dream had spread to more than just George and Lenny and when Lenny and their little place die away George becomes miserable and hurt (94). The time that followed this tragedy was the first time of Georges adult life with out Lenny. Also, up till now Georges purpose in life was to care for, and keep Lenny safe. With Lenny dead, George feels that his life had no purpose, for he could not keep Lenny from dangers grasp. When each friendship becomes separated, the still living partner feels no more purpose for life. Because of their established friendships, George, Lenny, Candy and his dog are able to live happy, joy filled lives as they overcome the hardships of The Great Depression. Although their significant bonds are broken when the partners are separated, when they are together, the partners benefit and share many feelings towards each other. Some say opposites attract, and buy using this scientific law to create friendships with different people; our society would be a friendlier and overall better place. Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck New York : Covici-Friede, 1937

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Globalization and its Impact on Today's International Business Essay

Globalization and its Impact on Today's International Business - Essay Example It describes that world economy is taking a more global shape and discusses the main drivers of globalization by arguing that the drivers are playing a key role to set up a more firmly integrated global financial system. A substantial preference is given to two factors to underlie the implications of globalization i.e. declining barriers to the international businesses and the continuous changes in communication, information processing, and transportation modes. It also analyzes that how the international businesses are reacting to the changing environment of global economy. The paper puts some light on the concerns highlighted by rapid globalization along with its implications to particular countries as well as a short history of globalization and the growth of international marketing by multinational companies. The roles of these companies and government policies have been critically analyzed to figure out the benefits and gray areas of globalization. Further through the critical a nalysis, an endeavor has been made to discuss the famous questions like what the benefits of globalization are, and what are its threats, both real and perceived? What do the terms international business, international transaction, and international trade mean? What are the differences between international business and domestic business? At the end, the paper gives a brief overview about the future scenario of world business environment. Globalization Over the past thirty years or so, a universal shift has been occurring in the world economy. There was a time when national economies were isolated from one another and relatively self contained. The rationale of isolation included barriers to cross-border trade and investment, i.e. due to distance, time zone, environment and cultures, natural differences in languages and political regulations, and the business systems. Today, the world has been observing a totally different scenario because geographical distances are reducing due to tremendous development in telecommunications and transportation technologies. Beside this, the global environment and culture have turned into almost same fashion while national economies are merging into an integrated as well as independent global economic system. All these changes and developments have decreased the barriers to cross-border trade and investments. The process of these changes in global economy is generally known as globalization (Panic, 2003). Impact on International Business: A General Overview Impact of globalization can be observed at a global scale in numbers of different fields including economic, social, political, cultural, and technological aspects of life. It has affected the human life in different angles of their individual and collective norms. In the cultural context, globalization has impacts on thoughts, theories, idealism, consumer behavior, and practices of human race (Grossman & Krueger, 1995). In the perspective of international business, its imp acts range from manufacturing, production, promotion, consumption, commercial exchange, and distribution. One of the major impacts of globalization on international business is that it forced the world to establish certain institutions

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Change management principles Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Change management principles - Essay Example Emmerichs et al (2004) provides a sound definition of workforce planning stating that it is â€Å"an organizational activity intended to ensure that investment in human capital results in the timely capability to effectively carry out the organization’s strategic intent.† (Emmerichs et al, 2004, p. ix) Workforce planning is an active phenomenon in Australian corporation, both in governmental and private-sector organizations. In particular, the Australian health workforce is facing a period of major reform with active participation from various national health workforce advisory committees. The best part is that the Australian government provides full support to the health workforce planning and research activities both at the national and state/territory levels. This paper addresses issues relating to the significant reform the workforce planning is going through and what kind of impact it has on the organizational operations. Besides the issue of organizational behavior is also discussed in the paper. Before going into further details, it is important first to look at the strategic planning objectives and the impacts it has on the organization. Strategic workforce planning can be considered as a recent approach in comparison to traditional human resource planning in an organization. The primary objective of a workforce planning is to analyze as well as forecast workforce skills required by the organization to achieve its relevant business strategies. It is important to mention that a workforce planning benefits extensively from the active participation as well as input of different business units within the organization. To be a successful workforce planning, Emmerichs et al (2004) talk about the inclusion of three important factors in the plan: a) active participation of managers, b) accurate and relevant data, and c) appropriate workload and inventory projection models for the effectiveness of

Monday, October 7, 2019

HUMAN RESOURCES IN ACTION Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

HUMAN RESOURCES IN ACTION - Essay Example Likewise, other information provided in the career portal include data pertinent to Hilton Hotels & Resorts (date opened, number of properties, and team members). Career news and events are also disclosed. For Marriott International, Inc., the details that are required for the job applicants to select from include: location, the keyword or job number, and the job category. Likewise, the following information are also provided in the site: additional career opportunities, more information (application process, technical guidelines, as well as J-1 Visa Program and F-1 Visa Program) (Marriott International, Inc., 2013). Using the search option, job applicants at Hilton are provided with information regarding available openings according to areas of interest, location, among others. A quick view at all available openings in Hilton across all nations worldwide disclosed that as much as 4,209 job openings are currently available (Hiton Worldwide, 2011). For Marriott, the quick view brings the searcher in the ‘search and apply’ portal where search option information, as noted above, was included. Likewise, jobs at the Ritz-Carlton, for example include details on positions according to the following classifications: Front of the House, Heart of the House, and Property Management (The Ritz-Carlton Hotel, 2013). Thus, information regarding the job positions open and the link for contacting them in order to apply are available online. Through indicating the country of origin, as well as the intended Hilton brand or organization that the applicant intends to apply, the potential candidates could perceive that Hilton supports diversity in culture, as deemed relevant and appropriate for their field of endeavor. On the other hand, for Marriot, the information in their website discloses the promotion of diversity and inclusion, as well as the ‘people

Sunday, October 6, 2019

How IT improves managerial role Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

How IT improves managerial role - Essay Example The new model of management suggests ways of flattening the organization structure, streamlining its processes, and speeding up its feedback systems in order to help produce these continuously improving results. This essay will examine how IT improves the managers’ performance. To meet the demanding expectations of a good model, an agency requires a great deal of complex data that is timely, complete information about both processes and outcomes. The model also requires that the organization have the ability to act promptly on that information. These requirements can be met only by agencies that take advantage of recent developments in information technology. Today’s companies are much larger and complex. They most likely manufacture, service, and finance what they sell. They also operate in complex, fast-changing, competitive, global environments that can quickly turn competitive advantages into competitive disadvantages. If I am given managerial roles I will ensure that I integrate information technology in the accomplishment of organizational aims in an effective and efficient approach through planning, organizing, leading, and controlling organizational assets. The type of information am likely to deal with is on how to set annual budgets for the entity, analyzing financial information and statistics of the firm, managing staffing and recruitment levels, deal with customer complaints, and make risk assessment and health safety checks. In all these a manager can integrate IT to make his work easier for example in preparing the budget he can use applications which makes it possible to prepare budgets quickly. The manager can post performance information on intranets, making weekly and even daily information available for decision making at all levels. Coordinated service system requires coordinated information streams. Integrated information system not only increases client satisfaction but more imp ortantly increases the agency’s ability to

Saturday, October 5, 2019

Postoperative pain management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Postoperative pain management - Essay Example Management of pain following a surgery employs oral or rectal analgesics, intramuscular opioid injections, systemic opioid analgesia, continuous subcutaneous infusion of analgesics, and patient-controlled analgesia (PCA).Management of pain following a surgical procedure is one of the major challenges and source of concern for health care providers (Berge et al, 2004). However, surveys have revealed that hospital postoperative pain management, such as opioid intramuscular injections are frequently inefficient, resulting in unrelieved pain in approximately 50% of patients (Steinberg et al, 2002). Various studies have shown that postoperative pain has significant influence on the recovery of the patient, length of stay in the hospital, mobility, cost of hospitalization and also postoperative morbidity like cognitive dysfunction and pulmonary complications (Pain Management Guideline Panel., 1992). According to Sommer et al (2008), moderate to severe pain occurs in more than 50 percent of patients who undergo abdominal surgery It is crucial to control postoperative pain and currently in every hospital in the western world, control of post operative pain is given utmost importance. An understanding of pain management in the postoperative period can be enhanced through reflection. Reflection is evaluation and examination of thoughts and actions of oneself. For health practitioners, reflection means focusing on the interaction of oneself with colleagues and environment in a particular situation so that they are able to evaluate their own behavior. â€Å"Reflection gives scope for better understanding of oneself so that existing strengths can be used to build-up for future actions "(Somerville and Keeling, 2004). In order to be an effective practitioner, one must be able to identify one's strengths in approaching a problem, assess one's level of competency and improve on what one thinks are the weaknesses so that when the same problems arise in the future, the right ap proach can be adapted. Reflection is also an opportunity for professional growth and development to increase competence in the nursing practice (Alexander, Fawcett and Runciman, 2006). Reflective practice is very essential for nursing clinical practice because it helps the nurse to understand, assess and learn through the experiences during clinical practice (Burns and Grove, 2005). In the following assignment, I shall discuss about management of a patient with postoperative pain based on Gibbs (1988) Reflective Cycle. This is because, Gibbs Reflective Cycle is a straight forward and recognized framework for reflection wherein it enables clear description of the situation of the patient, the analysis of feelings, evaluation of the experience, analysis to make sense of the experience, conclusion where other points are considered and reflection upon experience to examine what you would do if situation arose again. Case description Mr. X was a 67 years old male patient, who I looked af ter in a Surgical High Dependency Unit (SHDU). He was transferred from theatre following Whipples, where a total pancreatectomy was performed along with the removal of Gall Bladder and Duodenum.  Past medical history included hypertension and chemotherapy 2 years ago following the diagnosis of pancreatic cancer. He was also underweight. The patient was transferred to SHDU in a stable condition. On the 1st day post op, the Epidural Analgesia’s catheter was dislodged by accident and according to the protocol (NHS 2009), it could not be used anymore. Although, the patient had prescribed oral pain reliefs as required, Mr. X showed discomfort and pain, once resting and moving in bed. Because of the risk of post operative complications including pressure sores and chest infection, the issue was highlighted to Pain Management Nurse, who prescribed Patient Controlled Analgesia (PCA). The Pain Management Nurse provided short educational session for Mr. X, as he never used PCA before and appeared to be anxious about

Friday, October 4, 2019

Research Strategy Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Research Strategy Paper - Essay Example A simple definition of time management would be managing time to make the best out of it (Time Management, n.d.). Although, generally people realize the importance of time in their life but still it is one of the most common problem in peoples daily life. Time management process would include planning, organizing, staffing, directing and evaluating (The Management Process, n.d.). Research strategy simply refers to the set of strategies adopted in order to conduct the research. A research strategy regarding time management would involve all the information which need to be gathered to solve the problem of time management. If the research is conducted on basis of the work of a day, then the most important thing which would be required is the list of all the jobs that need to be done on that day. The second required information would be the time available for these jobs. The importance each job and possible time that could be allocated to each job need to be identified. According to the relative importance of each job a daily routine of work need to be prepared. Once this is prepared, information on each of the job would be required. Relative size of the job could be decide based on this information and based on assignment size sufficient time would be allocated to each of the jobs or assignment. Important information would be regarding number of individual that would be required to complete the job. Information could be gathered regarding the activity required to do the jobs. Information might also be required to find out the otherwise idle time, because this time could be utilized in doing unschedule d works. All these information could be obtained in the course of day to day activities. Once the required information are gathered, they need to be properly evaluated. These information need to be evaluated on the basis of their relative importance, validity, perspective etc. Information

Thursday, October 3, 2019

Compare and Contrast Essay Essay Example for Free

Compare and Contrast Essay Essay Trayvon Martin and Jordan Davis were just two young teenage boys whose lives were taken from this world. The two cases for these two boys have some similarities between each other they were two 17 year-old African-American boys, both boys were unarmed, and the stand your ground law was used for each case. There are also some differences between the cases such as George Zimmerman was found not guilty while Michael Dunn was found guilty, Zimmerman stayed on the scene of the crime while Dunn did not do the same, and last eye witnesses were present to Dunn’s case but Zimmerman had zero eye witness. This is the twenty-first century yet we still have hate towards other races. In February 26, 2012 â€Å"Trayvon Martin a seventeen year old African American boy went to the store for some candy and a soft drink. George Zimmerman a Hispanic man was the neighborhood watch captain for the Retreat at Twin Lakes† ( Now in November 23, 2012 Michael Dunn a White man â€Å"leaving a wedding reception for his son pulled into a gas station for wine and chips next to the SUV Jordan Davis† another seventeen year old African American boy â€Å"and three of his friends were in† ( Zimmerman was monitoring the neighborhood when he calls 911 to report â€Å"a suspicious person.† He was â€Å"instructed to not get out or approach the person† who was. Martin. Zimmerman â€Å"disregarded the instructions given to him by the police and moments later shot Martin† and unarmed boy ( If he was unarmed walking back to his house how could he have had any intention of being aggressive towards another man? In Dunn case he got into an argument with Davis and his friends about the loud music asking them to turn it down. Dunn said he â€Å"saw Davis reach down in his passenger seat to pull out a 12 or 20 gauge shotgun.† So â€Å"Dunn grabbed his gun an open fired ten bullet, three of which struck Davis.† Later when the car was searched no gun was found in the car ( Davis just like Martin was an unarmed boy. In the presence of both cases Zimmerman and Dunn both found there selves in a self-defense situation in other terms the â€Å"stand your ground law† ( The Zimmerman case was considered self-defense but he would not have had to defend himself if he didn’t approach Martin. Also when Martin was unarmed what did Zimmerman need to defend himself of? Dunn on the other hand was not in a calm state of mind he was the â€Å"prosecutor portrayed him as a gunman whose â€Å"blood started to boil† because an armed teenager had disrespected him† ( Even though Dunn thought Davis had a gun he should not have fired off ten rounds rapidly. Dunn could not have been defending him and his wife when the teenagers were unarmed. They were no harm to Dunn and his wife. Zimmerman was the neighborhood watch men and was patrolling the street when he saw Martin. There were not one eye witnesses to seeing what happened at the scene besides Zimmerman a nd Martin who was dead. The only thing they had to go off of was the bruises forming and blood running from the back of his head, also the recording of the gun shot from the police recording of Zimmerman’s phone call. In Dunn’s case he was at a gas station with people around including the four men he was talking to about the loud â€Å"rap crap† music as he called it ( Usually when you flee the scene of a crime it means you are guilty. After Zimmerman got out and came up too Martin and defended himself by shooting him. He stayed at the scene was it because no one was around and he already called the cops, and he knew that with his head bloody it was constituted as the â€Å"stand your ground law?† As for Dunn he fled forty miles back to his motel as soon as he shot off ten rounds. There he took â€Å" his dog for a walk, ordered pizza, and drank rum and cola† ( Zimmerman was found not guilty after a year and six months went by. The six women jury found George Zimmerman not guilty. The jury had three choices to convict Zimmerman of â€Å"guilty of second degree murder, to find him guilty of the lesser charge manslaughter, or to find him not guilty. The jurors deliberated for more than sixteen hours total, including the thirteen on Saturday alone† ( Now for Dunn even though he had pretty similar crimes as Zimmerman he was found guilty. Dunn received â€Å"a minimum of twenty years on one count, another twenty year count, and another minimum of twenty  year count† (usatoday). Works Cited Neale, Rick. Fla. USA TODAY. Larry Kramer, 16 Feb. 2014. Web. 9 Apr. 2014.