Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Opposition Of Dracula And Its Influences On Vampire...

The opposition of Dracula and its influences on vampire literature Have you ever thought to yourself, what has influenced vampire literature today? Well, neither have I, but it wouldn’t hurt to touch on the subject. Dracula introduces the idea of lust and death within vampirism. Also, there are many connections that I make throughout this essay between Dracula and I am Legend, proving that Dracula was an influence on the book. The opposition of Dracula has had great influences on vampire literature.We see that these two pieces of literature are so much similar than one would think. Both authors even use similar words to describe the similar things, which I hadn’t even noticed until I made further inspection. .The book Dracula, written by†¦show more content†¦Here is a quote that shows an example of his desire for them, I felt in my heart, burning desire that they would kiss me with those red lips ( Stoker 199). This quote is a very good example of the concept lust and death because Harker is having a sexual desire over a dead vampire. Not only is it just a mesh of lust and death, but it is also a mesh of sex and fear. We see an example of this in Dracula, which reads, â€Å"There was something about them that made me uneasy, some longing and at the same time some deadly fear† (Stoker 199). This an example of the mesh of fear and sexual desire because he feels attracted to them sexually but at the same time he is scared of them. As a result, this vampire literature influenced the future and modern vampire literature we see today. For instance, I am Legend by Richard Matheson, this book has many similarities to the book Dracula, in the sense of vampires. Such as the repulsion to garlic, the effect of the cross, the stakes to the heart, and the attraction to female vampires. Although in I am Legend the tables are turned because instead of vampires being the monsters, it is actually Neville who is the monster. Anyways, that is beside the point. The point I m trying to get across is that Dracula has been a great influence on vampire literature. To demonstrate, here is a quote from I am Legend that shows similarities to Dracula, â€Å"The way her tongue licked across her red lips as if itShow MoreRelatedâ€Å"Fear of the Unknown Is a Common Gothic Theme†. Is This True in Your Texts?3510 Words   |  15 Pagesresponder. This is achieved through the use of a number of different techniques and conventions. The fear of the unknown is expressed through dark, uncertain and mysterious circumstances cause responders to feel vulnerable and fearful. In Bram Stoker’s Dracula the overpowering force of the sublime, the prominence of religion, death and use of darkness accompanied by typical Gothic techniques evoke a fear of the unknown in responders. 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